Satellite Clubs

Helping young people take the step into community sport is at the heart of Sport England’s 2012-17 Youth and Community Strategy.

We believe satellite clubs can bridge the gaps between school, college and community sport and provide new opportunities for young people to create lifelong sporting habits.

Sport England's vision

By 2017, every secondary school in England will have been offered a satellite community sports club on its site. Each club will have a direct link to one or more NGBs, depending on the clubs in its area.

Satellite clubs may also be established in colleges, or other relevant education or community settings, depending on local need.

These clubs will help us grow the number of 11-25 year olds taking part in sport for at least 30 minutes every week, as well as reducing the number of young people dropping out of sport.

We plan to invest up to £49 million into satellite clubs between 2012-17.

What is a satellite club?

Satellite clubs are extensions, or outposts of community sports clubs which are established in a new venue, usually a secondary school or college and specifically target the 11-25 age group.

Coaches and volunteers from or linked to a community sports club work in partnership with the satellite host venue to create a new community satellite club.

 Satellite Club model


Why do we need satellite clubs?

We know that the step from school or college sport to community sport is often too great for young people. This is why so many 11-25 year olds drop-out of sport.

Satellite clubs make it easier for young people to stay in sport, or to start playing sport for the first time.

They provide a stepping stone to a community club or regular participation through the creation of relevant, appealing and convenient sporting opportunities for young people.

 For further information on Satellite Clubs read our introduction to Satellite Clubs Guidance document, contact our Satellite Clubs team, visit the Club Links website or speak to your nearest county sport partnership

How do we develop a successful satellite club?

Sport England has developed a satellite club guidance document for community sports clubs on how to plan, establish and sustain a successful satellite club.

This can be downloaded below: