Community Sport Activation Fund

 CSAF Basketball

Latest news

  • Round 4 opened on 20 January 2015
  • Round 3 closed on 27 January 2014
  • Round 3 applications have been assessed and 79 projects have been awarded with 159 in total since the Community Sport Activation Fund began
  • In Round 3, £14 million of Sport England funding levered in £9m of partner funding.

Designed in response to local demand, the Community Sport Activation Fund is a £47.5 million Lottery funding programme providing grassroots activity at a very local level. We will invest in what works best in your area, based on local need and evidence.

Projects the fund is aimed at

The kind of projects we expect to fund include:

  • Activities reflecting a broad range of sports
  • Informal opportunities which could lead to regular participation
  • Multi-sport activities which provide people with a range of choices and opportunities to suit them
  • Family orientated activities with a focus on the 14 plus age group
  • Local activator roles that focus on directly organising and delivering new opportunities for participation.

Projects can be up to three years and grant awards will range from £50,000 - £250,000.

The best projects will demonstrate the following key characteristics:

  • A focus on a clearly defined geographical area and community
  • Demonstrable understanding of sporting needs
  • Evidence of what potential participants want or need in order to take part in sport once a week
  • Local partners working together to deliver and help fund the project
  • A clear and robust delivery plan
  • Realistic but ambitious numbers for increasing and sustaining once a week participation.

Funding rounds

There were five opportunities to apply for this fund over four years with two rounds remaining. We encourage you to apply only when your project is ready.

  • Round 1 - ran from 7 January 2013 – 4 February 2013
  • Round 2 - ran from 7 May 2013 – 1 July 2013 
  • Round 3 - ran from 15 November 2013 – 27 January 2014
  • Round 4 - opened 20 January 2015 and closing 5pm on 20 April 2015
  • Round 5 - opening spring 2016 (exact dates to be confirmed).

Deprived Communities

Sport England recognises that the economic climate remains very challenging.  This has sometimes meant that strong projects have not been submitted because the applicants and partners have not been able to secure partnership funding even at the minimum levels we require.  For Round 3 we  relaxed the requirement for partnership funding for projects which will directly benefit the most deprived communities in England based on the English Indices of Deprivation (IMD). We are pleased to announce that this will be extended for Round 4.

If the substantial majority (80% or more) of the targeted participants for your project live in local authority ward areas with an IMD score of 25 or higher then you may apply without partnership funding.

Further information on Round 4 and to find out how you can apply will be posted on 20 January 2015.