Applying for funding

Applying for funding

We want applying for Sport England funding to be as simple as possible so we continually streamline our application process. We provide programme specific guidance and have a central team of funding experts who you can call for advice.

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In the video above, Kathy from our funding team outlines the key stages in the application process but if you require any help with your application or have questions for our funding team please call or send them an email.

The four main steps in the application process are outlined in the tabs below.

Read all the information about our different funds, find out what the criteria is for each, check which one is most likely to meet your requirements and find out when that fund is next open for applications.

The funding choosing tool below will help you identify the right fund for you.

Check your project fits with our strategy. We will only fund projects that help us deliver at least one of our three main goals - to get more people playing sport, to retain those people who already take part and to develop talent.

You should also check that your sport is recognised by Sport England. We classify a number of sports as ‘higher risk’ for funding purposes and applicants in these sports may need to demonstrate that they are affiliated to, or are members of, the recognised national governing body (NGB) for their sport. ‘Higher risk’ sports and their respective NGB are indicated on the list of recognised sports. For the following sports, we have agreed that, in addition to members of the recognised NGB, we will also accept applications from members of the following bodies:

  • Archery
    English Field Archery Association (EFAA)
    National Field Archery Society (NFAS)

  • Sub Aqua
    British Underwater Sports Association (BUSA)
    Sub Aqua Association (SAA)
    Members of the above sub aqua bodies above must provide a letter of support from either BUSA or the SAA as appropriate and the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) with their applications. Information of how to go about obtaining a letter of support from BSAC can be found on its website at Please be aware that applications received from BUSA or SAA members without the necessary letters of support may be deemed ineligible.

  • Taekwondo
    British Taekwondo Control Board (BTCB)

Download the sample application form of the programme you are interested in. This will help you see what information you need before you get started.

Apply online. All applications should be submitted online via our dedicated My Applications online portal.

The first time you log on to this site you will have to register to create a username and password.

My Applications will help you keep track of your application throughout the process. If you are successful, it is also where you will report your project's progress.