The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation

Method of Calculation

IFDS are continually reviewing the system and welcome feedback.

The IFDS Rankings for the Paralympic Classes rate skipper based on their performances at specified events (published in the IFDS Bulletin) over a 24 month period prior to the release date of the Rankings.

The IFDS Rankings will be recalculated and released following each of the events listed below:

Event Date Classes
ISAF Sailing World Cup, Miami, USA January 2015 One-Person, Two-Person, Three-Person Keelboat
ISAF Sailing World Cup, Hyeres, FRA April 2015 One-Person, Three person Keelboat
Garda and Trentino Olympic Week May 2015 Two-Person Keelboat
ISAF Sailing World Cup, Weymouth and Portland, GBR June 2015 One-Person, Two-Person, Three-Person Keelboat
IFDS Combined Worlds, Melbourne, AUS November 2015 One-Person, Two-Person, Three-Person Keelboat
ISAF Sailing World Cup, Melbourne, AUS TBC TBC

Ranking Points are calculated using the following method.

P = R x F x Q x YWF


P = Ranking Points
R = Regatta Points
F = Event Grading Multiplier
Q = Quality Factor
YWF = Year Weighting Factor

The Regatta Points:

To determine the regatta points (R): 1st = 100 pts, 2nd = 99 pts, 3rd = 98 pts, etc.

The event grading factors are now:

IFDS World Championships and Paralympics F=5 Top 90% receive points Used for the IFDS Worlds
Grade 1 F=3 Top 70% receive points Used For All Other Events

Year Weightings (YWF) are as follows:

Results in the current calendar year (last 12 months) Y=1.5
Results in the past calendar year (last 13 to 24 months) Y=1.0

Quality Factor:

Quality Factor Q = 1 + N/30

N is the number of competitors who are eligible for ranking points in the regatta and who are in the top 30 of the last published ranking list.
Q is never less than 1.0 or more than 1.5 For World Championship events and Continental Championships Q is always 1.5

Add the seven highest values of P over the last two years to determine the competitor's total ranking score.

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