Office of Policy and Strategic Planning (OPSP)

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The Office of Policy and Strategic Planning (OPSP) develops strategic policy priorities and provides policy counsel to the leadership of the Department of Commerce. Specifically, OPSP works with the Department's leadership by:

Strategic Planning

  • Developing strategic policy priorities
  • Planning and coordinating the implementation of policy initiatives that support these priorities

Policy Counsel

  • Supplying timely and actionable policy advice to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary
  • Working with Bureau leadership and experts regarding Administration and Department perspectives

Policy Coordination

  • Engaging bureaus within the Department to coordinate and integrate policy initiatives with secretarial and Administration objectives
  • Leading cross-bureau initiatives and supporting the implementation of bureau-led policy initiatives
  • Offering policy input into secretarial communications by coordinating bureau policy input

Policy Outreach

  • Synthesizing input and ideas from the Administration, the private sector, non-profit organizations, and the academic community to inform the Department's policy formulation process

Areas of Focus

The OPSP team is organized around the following priorities:

  • Global Economics (Team Lead: Thomas Wyler)
  • Innovation (Team Leads: Andrew Grotto, Erin Sparks, Joshua Mandell)
  • Environment & Energy (Team Lead: Catherine Barrett)
  • Data (Team Lead: David Langdon)
  • Standards, Regulations, and other Economic Priorities (Team Lead: Jeff Weiss)


  • John Ratliff — Director of Policy and Strategic Planning; Senior Advisor to the Secretary
  • Catherine Barrett — Deputy Director of Policy and Strategic Planning
  • Samuel Fuller — Interagency Fellow
  • Andrew Grotto — Senior Advisor for Technology
  • Scott Handler — Special Advisor
  • David Langdon — Senior Advisor for Economics and Statistics
  • Sara Li — Confidential Assistant
  • Joshua Mandell — Senior Advisor for Innovation and Competitiveness
  • Erin Sparks — Senior Advisor for Manufacturing
  • David Talbot — Policy Advisor
  • Jeff Weiss — Senior Advisor for Standards and Global Regulatory Policy
  • Thomas Wyler — Senior Advisor for Trade and Investment
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