Sam Cristoforettiযাচাইকৃত অ্যাকাউন্ট


Samantha Cristoforetti. European of Italian nationality. Living on ISS (yes!) Nov'14-Jun'15 ASI, ITAF

In space!
যোগদান করেছেন জুলাই ২০১১

@AstroSamantha-কে অবরুদ্ধ করা হয়েছে

আপনি কি নিশ্চিতরূপে এইসব টুইট দেখতে ইচ্ছুক? টুইট দেখার ফলে @AstroSamantha-কে অবরোধ মুক্ত করা হবে না।

  1. (IT) Lo è a prova di astronauti...riesco persino io a cucinarlo! Questi gli ingredienti:

  2. is astronaut proof... if I can cook it, everyone can! Here are the ingredients I have on board:

  3. Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care. See more at:

  4. (IT) Volare sopra il deserto Algerino è sempre un piacere per gli occhi!

  5. Flying over the desert is always a treat for the eyes!

  6. Buongiorno dallo spazio con "Balliamo sul mondo" di ...anche se non ho le scarpe da tip tap ;-)

  7. Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.

  8. Dead Sea: the lowest area of land on Earth. And where I came closest to floating before being weightless!

  9. A sinister cloud far on the horizon.

  10. (IT) Una nube minacciosa in lontananza all'orizzonte.

  11. Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.

  12. We have permanent daylight these days, so we can't see Earth surface when night on Earth. Missing orbital sunrises!

  13. (IT) Ciao Bolivia! Vicino al Lago Titicaca: la città di Tiwanaku, capitale di un potente antico impero e sito

  14. Hello ! Near Lake Titicaca the city of Tiwanaku, capital of a power pre-Hispanic empire & site

  15. (IT) Ciao Cipro! E un saluto alle coste della Turchia e della Siria, nelle acque orientali del Mediterraneo.

  16. Hello ! And the coastline of and on the easternmost Mediterranean shores.

  17. Nice job disguising yourself , but we can still see you.

লোড হতে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ সময় নিচ্ছে।

টুইটার অতিরিক্ত ক্ষমতা অথবা ক্ষণস্থায়ী হেঁচকির সম্মুখীন হতে পারে। পুনরায় চেষ্টা করুন অথবা পরিদর্শন করুন টুইটার স্ট্যাটাস আরও বিশদ তথ্যের জন্য।

    আপনিও পছন্দ করতে পারেন
