(Open Networkers) (Open Networkers)

140,597 members
  • Join

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Group Profile

Private group. To request membership, click Join and your request will be reviewed by the group manager.

This group is by far the largest (120,000+ participants!) open networking group on LinkedIn.

Open Networkers are people like you - people who know the incredible value of being open to new opportunities and new connections.

They are the most helpful and connected people on any social networking site.

If you are an Open Networker, please join!

Questions? Please email us at

Note: The Group Rules are posted in the group. Please read and honor them. Violators risk being banned from this and all allied groups with no additional warnings, no reinstatement, and no replies to your requests to be reinstated.

More information is at

About this Group

  • Created: November 16, 2007
  • Type: Networking Group
  • Members: 140,597
  • Subgroups: 20