Results for #nhs

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  2. Wheels are coming off the . We spend less than other G7 nations. "Efficiency savings" have reduced efficiency! Urgent funding is needed

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  3. Don't miss: Mindfulness: an effective mental health treatment but not a panacea

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  4. 14 mag

    Oh look. Jeremy Hunt is wearing his badge on Which is a little like Dr. Goebbels wearing the Star of David.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  5. 13 mag

    The desperately needs to be led by healthcare professionals, not management consultants and quangos.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  6. Microbiology Biomedical Scientist- Bristol

  7. Today is International Nurses Day – we’re celebrating hardworking nurses who keep our performing well

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  8. My bet is on for Health Secretary if only in spirit

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  9. 9 mag

    So it was a private company that sent out the cancer scare letters. Well done Tories.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  10. Katie Hopkins says she needs to be hospitalised weekly due to her Epilepsy. Anyone know where we can get her Health Insurance from?

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  11. Out of the chaos of WW2, the end of which Cameron celebrated today, grew the . He is determined to destroy it for private profit.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  12. 9 mag

    It's vital that as many doctors, nurses and healthcare workers as possible, joint the fight to defend our . Get involved or lose it

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

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