StatCounter Global Stats StatCounter Global Stats en-us Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:00:00 GMT Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:00:00 GMT StatCounter Safari accounted for over half of US mobile and tablet usage in March
  • Emphasises potential prize if Apple ends its default search deal with Google
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 22nd April 2015: Apple's Safari browser accounted for over half of US mobile and tablet internet usage in March according to independent website analytics provider, StatCounter.

    "This emphasises the potential prize in the rapidly growing mobile space for Yahoo, Bing or others if Apple decides to end its default search deal with Google," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    In a quarterly earnings call in January, CEO Marissa Mayer said that Yahoo was definitely in the search distribution business and anyone who is in that business needs to be interested in the Safari deal.

    StatCounter Global Stats reports that in March Safari took 55% of US mobile and tablet usage share followed by Chrome on 29.9% and Android on 9.5%.

    See US chart:

    Outside the US Safari is also leading in mobile and tablet usage in many mature markets such as Canada, the UK, Australia and Japan.

    Interactive Map:

    "While Safari is the major player in the US for mobile and tablet, it is ranked number four on the desktop with just 10.5% of internet usage share. From a desktop perspective, this makes it less significant than the recent Yahoo deal with Firefox," added Aodhan Cullen of StatCounter.

    Chart US:

    StatCounter conducted a special analysis to investigate search engine preferences by all Safari users (including desktop, tablet and mobile) last month. This found that Google is by far the most popular with 83% share in the US and 87.9% worldwide.

    StatCounter ( provides independent website analytics including a free option. Members include companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and those who want to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites. Further info is available here:


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Consulting PR T:+353 86 855 9410

    Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:00:00 GMT
    Yahoo's growth stalls in February but earlier gains largely retained San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 2nd March 2015: Yahoo's recent growth in US search share came to a halt in February but it has largely maintained the gains it made over January and December, according to data from independent website analytics provider, StatCounter.

    StatCounter Global Stats reports that in February, Google took 74.9% of US search referrals followed by Bing on 12.5% and Yahoo on 10.7%, down marginally from 10.9% the previous month.

    "While Yahoo's search growth from the Mozilla deal has stalled, its share declined only slightly in February," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "It will be interesting to see if January was the month of peak impact for Yahoo as a result of the Mozilla deal and whether it can maintain its gains over the next few months."

    StatCounter separately analysed search share by US Firefox users only. It found that in February for the US Google-on-Firefox was at 65.1% (up from 63.9% in January); Yahoo-on-Firefox usage was at 27.3% (down from 28.3%) and Bing-on-Firefox was at 5.9% (down from 6.2%).

    StatCounter says that it was not just Firefox users that led to the small decline. Yahoo usage in the US excluding Firefox users was also down slightly from 8.2% in January to 8.1% in February.

    Firefox users generated 14% of US internet usage in February according to StatCounter, whose main business is to provide independent website analytics, including a free option.

    StatCounter ( members include companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and those who want to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites. Further info is available here:


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Consulting PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Mon, 02 Mar 2015 09:00:00 GMT
    Yahoo gains further US search share in January
  • Google falls below 75% for first time
  • US Yahoo-on-Firefox usage almost triples since November
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 2nd February 2015: January saw Yahoo further increase the gain it made in US search share last month, according to the latest data from independent website analytics provider, StatCounter. Google fell below 75% in the US for the first time since StatCounter Global Stats began recording data*.

    StatCounter Global Stats reports that in January, Google took 74.8% of US search referrals followed by Bing on 12.4% and Yahoo on 10.9%, its highest US search share for over five years.

    "Some analysts expected Yahoo to fall in January as a result of Firefox users switching back to Google. In fact Yahoo has increased US search share by half a percentage point," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "It will be fascinating to see if these gains continue."

    StatCounter has also run a special report on US search engine usage by Firefox users only. Yahoo-on-Firefox usage in the US increased from 9.9% in November 2014 to 28.3% in January. Over the same period Google-on-Firefox usage in the US fell from 81.9% to 63.9%.

    StatCounter says that it is only Firefox users responsible for the change in US search share. "When we removed Firefox usage from the US search data, Yahoo's gains and Google's losses were erased," commented Aodhan Cullen. "This highlights the importance of the default search option and the significance of the upcoming Safari search deal for the major players."

    Firefox users generated 14% of US internet usage in January according to StatCounter, whose main business is to provide independent website analytics, including a free option.

    StatCounter ( members include companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and those who want to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites. Further info is available here:

    * StatCounter Global Stats began tracking global search statistics in July 2008.


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Consulting PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Mon, 02 Feb 2015 09:00:00 GMT
    Yahoo achieves highest US search share since 2009
  • Google at lowest US share yet recorded by StatCounter Global Stats
  • Mozilla move to make Yahoo the default on Firefox has early impact on search engine battle
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 7th January 2015: In December Yahoo achieved its highest US search share for over five years according to the latest data from StatCounter, the independent website analytics provider. Google fell to the lowest monthly share yet recorded by the company*. These December stats coincide with Mozilla making Yahoo the default search engine for Firefox 34 users in the US.

    StatCounter Global Stats reports that in December Google took 75.2% of US search referrals followed by Bing on 12.5% and Yahoo on 10.4%.

    As previously announced by Yahoo, December marked the start of its partnership with Mozilla. Yahoo is now the default search experience for Firefox 34 in the US, bringing an end to Mozilla's 10-year relationship with Google.

    "The move by Mozilla has had a definite impact on US search," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "The question now is whether Firefox users switch back to Google." Firefox users represented just over 12% of US internet usage in December according to StatCounter.

    StatCounter ( provides independent website analytics, including a free option, to companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and those who want to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    Last July, StatCounter announced a new feature in response to Google's removal of keyword data. By integrating Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) data into its reports, StatCounter has given its members the ability to access all available keyword intelligence which they can slice and dice all within their StatCounter account.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites. Further info is available here:

    * StatCounter Global Stats began tracking global search statistics in July 2008.


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Consulting PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Wed, 07 Jan 2015 09:00:00 GMT
    Three times more Yahoo search usage on Firefox 34 in the US San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 3rd December 2014: On the 2nd December in the US, Yahoo search was used 3 times more on Firefox 34 than on Firefox 33, according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. As previously announced by Yahoo, this month marks the start of its partnership with Mozilla. Yahoo is now the default search experience for Firefox 34 in the US, replacing Mozilla's 10 year relationship with Google.

    A special report from StatCounter Global Stats finds that Yahoo usage on Firefox 34 in the US on the 2nd December was 29.4% compared to 9.6% for the previous version Firefox 33. Google search usage by Firefox users dropped from 82.1% to 63.5% as they upgraded from version 33 to 34. Bing declined slightly from 6.5% on Firefox 33 to 5.8% on Firefox 34.

    "Firefox 34 is still being rolled out so its usage is currently quite low. It will be interesting to see how this develops," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "At the moment the change is having a negligible impact on overall search share in the US, but if this early usage trend on Firefox 34 continues then Yahoo could be on course to gain a number of percentage points."

    On the 2nd December overall search share across all browsers in the US was 78% for Google, 12.4% for Bing and 7.9% for Yahoo.


    StatCounter ( provides independent website analytics, including a free option, to companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and those who want to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter recently announced a new feature in response to Google's removal of keyword data. By integrating Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) data into its reports, StatCounter has given its members the ability to access all available keyword intelligence which they can slice and dice all within their StatCounter account.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites. Further info is available here:


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Consulting PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Wed, 03 Dec 2014 20:00:00 GMT
    Windows 8.1 overtakes XP and breaks 10% mark for first time globally in terms of internet usage San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 1st December 2014: Windows 8.1 has broken the 10% mark and overtaken XP for the first time globally in terms of internet usage according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company.

    The report from the company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats shows that in November, Windows 8.1 at 10.95% narrowly beat XP to second place, pushing it to third at 10.69%. Windows 7 remains the most popular operating system on 50.3%.

    "Following a somewhat mixed reaction to Windows 8, Windows 8.1 has made steady progress since its launch," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "It passed Windows 8 in August and has now passed Windows XP in November. The growth trajectory for Windows 8.1 has been positive but if current trends continue it will not topple Windows 7 before Windows 10 is launched in 2015."

    In the US Windows 8.1 is at 12.2% having overtaken XP in October. Windows 7 leads with 43.9%.

    In the UK, where Windows 8.1 overtook XP in April, XP has declined to 4.2% while Windows 8.1 is currently at 13.2%. Windows 7 is number one on 40.4%. (Other country analysis available on

    StatCounter ( provides independent website analytics, including a free option, to companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and those who want to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter recently announced a new feature in response to Google's removal of keyword data. By integrating Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) data into its reports, StatCounter has given its members the ability to access all available keyword intelligence which they can slice and dice all within their StatCounter account.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites. Further info is available here:


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Consulting PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:00:00 GMT
    Mobile internet usage soars by 67%
  • StatCounter announces new web analytics apps
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Thursday 18th September 2014: The use of mobile devices to access the internet has increased by 67% worldwide over the last 12 months according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company.

    The report from the company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats, finds that while desktop remains the most popular means to access the web on 64.6%, mobile has grown rapidly from 17.1% to 28.5%. Tablet devices account for 6.8% of internet usage, compared to 4.8% 12 months ago.

    StatCounter announced the findings to mark the launch of its new web analytics apps for iOS and Android. These apps, which are free to download and use, are available from iTunes or Google Play.

    "Mobile usage has already overtaken desktop in several countries including India, South Africa and Saudi Arabia," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "All indications are that this trend is set to continue, which creates new challenges and opportunities for businesses globally."

    He noted that just three years ago desktop was the number one platform across all countries. StatCounter has produced an animated world map to show how this has changed since then.

    Mobile internet usage in the US has grown by 73% over the last 12 months to reach 24.4% in August. UK mobile internet usage is up by 69% to 23.2%. Other individual country stats are available at

    Cullen added that mobile internet usage is increasing faster than tablet usage. "The slower growth of tablets may be due to the trend towards larger screen smartphones. It will be interesting to see whether Apple's new larger iPhone 6 Plus becomes a tablet killer."

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites.

    Independent web analytics specialist StatCounter ( tracks millions of websites globally. Its new mobile website analytics apps allow members to view familiar StatCounter reports including weekly traffic trend analysis; recent visitor activity; incoming traffic sources plus other data.

    StatCounter also recently announced a new feature in response to Google's controversial removal of keyword data. By integrating Google Webmaster Tools data into its reports, StatCounter has given its members the ability to easily analyze all available keyword data.


    Press queries or interview:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Technology PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Thu, 18 Sep 2014 09:00:00 GMT
    Apple 'holding its own' reports StatCounter ahead of imminent iPhone 6 announcement
  • "Augurs well" for rumored launch of larger screen iPhone 6
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 8th September 2014: The iPhone has been holding its own in terms of worldwide internet usage according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. The report from the company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats comes ahead of the expected announcement of the new iPhone 6 tomorrow (Tuesday).

    While recent reports from analysts such as Kantar* show falling sales figures for iPhone , Apple has maintained its internet usage worldwide on 23.6% in August 2014 compared to 23.4% in the same month last year according to StatCounter**. At the same time Samsung has grown to 32.8% from 25.7%. StatCounter ranks mobile vendors based on internet usage rather than device sales.

    "Over the last year Apple has maintained its position in terms of internet usage despite the lack of a larger screen option, so this augurs well for the launch of iPhone 6," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Some analysts have predicted that iPhone will cede global market share to lower cost competitors in emerging markets but Apple probably won't lose too much sleep about this as long as they can win the higher margin end of the business."

    StatCounter research finds that Apple remains the clear leader in the US in terms of internet usage with 51.4% ahead of Samsung's 26.4%. Apple also leads in the UK with 46% compared to Samsung's 24.4%.

    Apple's operating system iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) is also close to maintaining market share worldwide on 32.9% in August 2014 compared to 34.6% in the same month last year. Over the same period Android has increased from 35.7% to 49.1%. Individual country stats for vendors and operating systems are available at:

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites.

    Independent web analytics specialist StatCounter ( tracks millions of websites for companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter recently announced a new feature in response to Google's controversial removal of keyword data. By integrating Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) data into its reports, StatCounter has given its members the ability to analyze all available keyword data.



    Press queries or interview:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Technology PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:00:00 GMT
    Windows 8.1 overtakes 8 worldwide
  • But XP refuses to die and remains number two globally despite end of support in April
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 2nd September 2014: Microsoft's Windows 8.1 operating system has overtaken its older sibling Windows 8 for the first time in terms of internet usage worldwide, according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company.*

    The company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats also finds that despite Microsoft's ending of support in April this year, Windows XP refuses to die and remains the world's second most popular operating system version. However, for the first time globally, the combined total of Windows 8 and 8.1 (14%) overtook XP (12.9%) in August.

    StatCounter finds that Windows 8.1 worldwide has grown steadily to 7.5% in August ahead of Windows 8 (6.6%). The newer operating system overtook its sibling in the UK in April and in the US in May. The data covers desktop, tablet and console.

    "Following a mixed reaction to Windows 8, perhaps because of its radical new look, Windows 8.1 appears to be winning over users," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    However, he added that the stubborn refusal of Windows XP to retire almost five months after the ending of non-paid support is a concern in terms of security and virus risks for remaining users.

    Globally XP is on 12.9%, behind Windows 7 on 50.3%. In the US, XP internet usage share has declined below double figures to 8.9%. Europe's XP share is 10.6% with UK down to 5.2%. Individual country stats are available at:

    Independent web analytics specialist StatCounter ( tracks millions of websites for companies, agencies, bloggers, self-employed, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view individual visitors in real time.

    StatCounter recently announced a new feature in response to Google's controversial removal of keyword data. By integrating Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) data into its reports, StatCounter has given its members the ability to analyze all available keyword data.

    This means that members don't have to separately access GWT, download the data, merge with other keyword reports and analyze the combined information. Instead, StatCounter members can access all available keyword intelligence and slice and dice this all within their StatCounter account. StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to over three million websites.

    *Microsoft assigned a new and distinct user agent to Windows 8.1 compared to Windows 8. For this reason, the two operating systems are separately reported on StatCounter Global Stats.


    Press queries or interview:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Technology PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:00:00 GMT
    Less than a week to go and XP remains world's second most popular operating system
  • XP users 'sleep walking' into potential virus and security minefield finds web analytics firm
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 2nd April 2014: With less than a week to go before Microsoft pulls the plug on general support for Windows XP, it remains the second most popular operating system in the world in terms of internet usage, according to the latest data from StatCounter, the independent website analytics company.

    The company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats finds that in March, Windows 7 was the global leader on 54.7% while XP remains in second place on 18.6%, more than double Mac OS X (all versions) on 8.6%.

    "Despite the stark warnings and publicity surrounding the end of support in six days' time, it appears that significant numbers of people are still using XP and sleep walking into a potential minefield of security and virus risks," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    Despite the risks, XP remains the second most popular OS in terms of internet usage in Europe (15.9%); South America (17.8%); Asia (24.9%) and Africa (30.5%). It is third in North America (14.5%). Oceania, where XP has dropped to fourth on 8%, appears to be the most progressive continent in terms of upgrading from the almost 13 year old operating system.

    In the US, XP is in third place on 15%. XP is also third in the UK with 8.4%.

    Individual country stats may be accessed at:

    StatCounter (, an independent web analytics specialist, is used by companies, bloggers, self-employed people, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view website data in real time.

    StatCounter members can learn about visitors to their site with essential statistics such as incoming traffic (i.e. how visitors are finding the site), downloads (e.g. which brochures are being accessed) and exit links (i.e. which links people click as they leave the site).

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.


    Press queries or interview:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Technology PR T:+353 1 260 5300

    Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:00:00 GMT
    New StatCounter report highlights global risk to business and other users from Windows XP
  • XP still world's second most popular operating system despite Microsoft's notice to end support
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; 4th February 2014: Despite news that Microsoft will discontinue support in April this year for Windows XP, it remains the second most popular operating system worldwide in terms of internet usage, according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company.

    The company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats, finds that in January 2014 Windows 7 was the global leader on 54.3% while XP took 19.2% on a worldwide basis.

    "Even in mature markets like North America and the UK, XP remains ahead of Windows 8, 8.1 and Vista," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "This has serious implications for users, especially businesses, as lack of support may leave their data and systems at risk of exposure to security and virus issues."

    Microsoft has long advised that it will end support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. In April 2013 it said: "This means that XP customers and partners will no longer receive security updates or be able to take advantage of tech support from Microsoft."1 Updates for Microsoft Security Essentials, however, will be available until July 2015.2

    Despite the risks, XP remains the second most popular OS in terms of internet usage in Europe (16.9%); South America (18.6%); Asia (26.4%) and Africa (32.0%). It is the third most popular in North America (12.5%); US (12.4%) and UK (9.5%). Individual country stats may be accessed at:

    StatCounter (, an independent web analytics specialist, is used by companies, bloggers, self-employed people, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view website data in real time.

    StatCounter members can learn about visitors to their site with essential statistics such as keywords (i.e. search terms used to find the site), downloads (e.g. which brochures are being accessed) and exit links (i.e. which links people click as they leave the site).

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.


    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries:
    Ronnie Simpson, Simpson Financial & Technology PR T:+353 1 260 5300


    Tue, 04 Feb 2014 13:00:00 GMT
    New StatCounter data finds that tablet internet usage is less than 5% globally
  • Apple iPad dominates total tablet internet usage with 74.5%
  • Samsung increases share
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 16th December, 2013: New data from independent web analytics firm StatCounter finds that global tablet internet usage was just 4.8% in November compared to 19.1% for mobile. Desktop usage still dominates with 76.1%.The company's research arm StatCounter Global Stats also reports that Apple's iPad is the clear leader in terms of tablet internet usage.

    "Samsung is in a distant second place although a challenge to the Cupertino company's lead cannot be ruled out given Samsung's success in the smartphone arena," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    The new data is revealed as StatCounter Global Stats today launches new tablet internet usage stats. Global and individual country stats are available free of charge at

    StatCounter finds that worldwide Apple accounts for 74.5% of total tablet internet usage. Samsung has increased its share from 8.0% in November last year to 10.85%.

    "The perception is that tablets are proliferating and replacing traditional PC and laptop machines so we developed our research platform to isolate tablet usage stats," added Aodhan Cullen of StatCounter. "In reality we found that tablet internet usage globally at less than 5% is still relatively small compared to desktop and mobile."

    In the US tablet internet usage share stands at 6.8% or about half the mobile number (15.2%) with desktop on 77.9%. In the UK tablet is stronger than in the US on 9.6% behind mobile (14.8%) and desktop (75.4%).

    Out of all tablet internet usage in the US, Apple generates 80.3% followed by Amazon with the Kindle (7.4%) and Samsung (4.2%). In the UK Apple also dominates with 80.4% followed by Samsung (6.5%) and Amazon (4.4%). Other country data can be accessed at

    In addition to launching new tablet stats, StatCounter Global Stats has released a new interface allowing users to review desktop, tablet, mobile or console stats separately or in combination. This is available at:

    Note: Desktop usage includes usage of traditional machines i.e. PCs and laptops. User agent information supplied is generally not sufficient to separately track these devices hence their aggregation on StatCounter Global Stats.


    Press queries:
    Mary O'Brien, Simpson Technology PR; T: + 353 1 2605300

    Mon, 16 Dec 2013 13:00:00 GMT
    Web analytics company StatCounter charts Apple's global battle with Samsung ahead of rumored new iPhone launch San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday 9th September, 2013: Ahead of speculation that Apple will tomorrow announce a new lower cost iPhone, independent web analytics company StatCounter has released research highlighting the challenge the Cupertino headquartered company faces globally from Samsung.

    The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that Samsung, which overtook Apple for the first time worldwide in June in terms of internet usage, has extended its lead to 25.7% in August compared to Apple on 23.4%. Nokia, which led globally up until December last, is now in third place on 21.7%.

    In the US Apple remains the clear leader on 52.2% compared to Samsung's 19%. Nokia is on 1.5% in the US, representing an underdog opportunity for Microsoft following the announcement of its proposed partial acquisition of Nokia.

    In the UK Apple is also the clear leader in the mobile vendor battle on 46.8% in August compared to 21.5% for Samsung and 3.7% for Nokia.

    In India, Samsung has 26.7% usage share while Apple with just 1% currently has significant growth potential with the rumored lower cost iPhone.

    "Over the past 12 months Apple has increased its share in the US and UK but globally there is an on-going battle taking place between it and Samsung. Should the rumors prove true, it will be fascinating to see if a less expensive iPhone will help it increase market against lower cost competitors in global markets," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO StatCounter.

    For further analysis see: (Map) (Bar Chart)

    StatCounter (, a web analytics specialist, is used by companies, bloggers, self-employed people, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view website data in real time.

    StatCounter members can learn about visitors to their site with essential statistics such as keywords (i.e. search terms used to find the site), downloads (e.g. which brochures are being accessed) and exit links (i.e. which links people click as they leave the site).


    For interview with Aodhan, photo or press queries:
    Mary O'Brien, Simpson Financial & Technology PR; +353 1 2605300 or
    Ronnie Simpson,

    Mon, 09 Sep 2013 09:00:00 GMT
    Web analytics company StatCounter launches "Internet Wars" Report
  • Samsung overtakes Apple to claim number one spot globally for first time in terms of internet usage
  • Chrome tops Internet Explorer in US for first time
  • San Francisco, CA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday, 10th July, 2013: Samsung has overtaken Apple globally for the first time in June to take number one spot in terms of internet usage, according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. In the United States Google's browser Chrome overtook Microsoft's Internet Explorer for the first time in June.

    These are some of the findings in a new report from the firm's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats. The "StatCounter Internet Wars Report - Winners and Losers" charts progress over the last 12 months in the battle of the internet between the world's biggest tech firms including Apple, Google and Microsoft. The full report may be downloaded from:

    "The report charts winners and losers over the last 12 months in the battle to dominate the internet whether in the field of browsers, operating systems, search, mobile or social media," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    The report finds that while 12 months ago, Nokia led globally in terms of internet usage, Samsung (25.47%) has leapfrogged both Apple (25.09%) and Nokia (21.96%) to take the lead in June 2013. In the US and UK however, Apple remains the clear leader.

    While in May 2012 Chrome became the browser leader in terms of internet usage worldwide, it has now overtaken Internet Explorer for the first time in the United States as well. In June Chrome took the number one spot in the US at 34.02% (up from 23.84% 12 months ago). Over the same time frame IE declined to 32.46% (from 40.89%).

    Other highlights include:

    Operating Systems: Windows 7 increases internet usage share despite launch of Windows 8 - XP refuses to lie down

    Social Media: Reports of Facebook decline appear exaggerated
    - Twitter has greater referral influence in the UK than in the US

    Search Engines: Google still dominates worldwide but more competitive in US where Bing makes some headway

    StatCounter (, a web analytics specialist, is used by companies, bloggers, self-employed people, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website, blog or forum. Key features include ease of use, independence and ability to view website data in real time. StatCounter members can learn about visitors to their site with essential statistics such as keywords (i.e. search terms used to find the site), downloads (e.g. which brochures are being accessed) and exit links (i.e. which links people click as they leave the site).

    For interview with Aodhan, photo or press queries:
    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR; + 353 1 2605300

    Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:00:00 GMT
    Apple and Samsung displace Nokia worldwide for first time in terms of internet usage
  • Independent web analytics company StatCounter finds Apple has taken the top spot ahead of Samsung in second place
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Monday, 4th February 2013: Apple dislodged Nokia in January for the first time as the most popular mobile vendor in terms of global internet usage, according to new mobile research from StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. Samsung also climbed ahead of Nokia to take second place behind Apple on a worldwide basis.

    StatCounter's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that in January 2013 Apple led globally for the first time in terms of internet usage with 25.86%, ahead of Samsung (22.69%) and Nokia (22.15%).

    "It's good and bad news for Apple," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Apple has been handed the number one spot despite its falling usage share. A decline in Nokia usage from January 2012 to January 2013 means the Finnish company ceded the top spot to Apple."

    He added, "Samsung, in contrast to Apple, has seen an increase in its usage share since January 2012."

    According to StatCounter data, Apple's worldwide internet usage share fell from 28.67% in January 2012 to 25.86% in the same month this year. Samsung rose from 14.84% to 22.69% over the same period. Nokia fell from 37.67% to 22.15%.

    Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Change
    Nokia 37.67% 22.15% -15.52%
    Apple 28.67% 25.86% -2.81%
    Samsung 14.84% 22.69% +7.85%

    (Individual country stats available at

    StatCounter, one of the largest web analytics firms in the world, is used by companies, bloggers, charities and anyone who wants to measure activity on their website. Key features include ease of use, independence and the fact that website data can be viewed in real time.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    StatCounter ( provides independent and free website stats including search terms used to find the site and stats on downloads e.g. brochures or price lists.


    Editors' Notes:

    1. Mobile stats for Apple include iPhone and iPod Touch.
    2. StatCounter defines a mobile device as a pocket-sized computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard.This excludes tablets such as the iPad which, while portable, are not considered mobile according to this definition.

    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or press queries please contact:
    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: + 353 1 260 5300 or E:

    Mon, 04 Feb 2013 13:00:00 GMT
    Windows 8 slower out of the traps than predecessor Windows 7
  • Independent web analytics company finds license sales not yet translating into usage
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Friday, 30 November 2012: Windows 8 internet usage share is behind what its predecessor Windows 7 achieved one month after launch, according to data from StatCounter, the independent web analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that by 26th November 2012 Windows 8 had worldwide internet usage share of 1.31% compared to 4.93% achieved by Windows 7 one month after its launch in 2009.

    In the US Windows 8 took 1.77% of internet usage one month after launch compared to 5.21% for Windows 7 following its introduction.

    "Microsoft has reported license sales of 40 million for Windows 8, however this has not yet translated into significant usage figures. This may be due to sales to manufacturers rather than to end users so Windows 8 may well get a boost over the December holiday buying season," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    Globally Windows 7 had 52.4% usage on November 26th, followed by Windows XP on 26.5%. In the US Windows 7 had 49.48% followed by XP with 16.07% which was just ahead of Mac OS on 15.48%.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    Apart from its research arm, StatCounter ( provides free website stats. This service allows website owners to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time. New members may sign up at

    Notes: When comparing stats for Windows 7 and Windows 8, some additional contextual information may be relevant.

    1. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 underwent significant periods of beta testing before their official launch dates. In absolute terms, Windows 8 is behind Windows 7 one month post launch as outlined above. In relative terms however, Windows 8 has more than tripled its usage share in the first month after launch while Windows 7 only doubled its usage in the corresponding period.

    2. Usage Share at Launch Date* One month after launch Relative Increase
      Windows 7 2.21% 4.93% 223%
      Windows 8 0.38% 1.31% 345%
      *22 Oct 2009/26 Oct 2012

    3. Windows 8 was launched around the time of the Hurricane Sandy tragedy. When considering any internet usage stats for the US during this period, it should be borne in mind that the aftermath of the hurricane may have affected typical internet usage at this time.
    4. As we only display the top five operating systems on our graphs, Windows 8 is not yet appearing as a separate line item. Instead we have made the stats available for download:


    Press queries:
    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: + 353 1 260 5300; E:

    Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:00:00 GMT
    Windows 8 has battle globally to kill off XP
  • Independent web analytics company finds eleven year old XP retains almost 30% usage share worldwide
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Thursday, 25th October 2012: Ahead of the launch of Windows 8, Microsoft still has a battle to kill off XP globally according to latest data from StatCounter, the independent web analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that Windows XP, the operating system launched over 10 years ago in October 2001, still has almost 30% usage share worldwide.

    Worldwide, Windows 7 held 52.2% usage share in September compared to 27.64% for XP. In the US Windows 7 is on 49.36% compared to 16.42% for XP. Although it is a more recent operating system, Vista holds a lower share than XP with 7.58% of the global market and 11.67% in the US.

    "Our stats confirm the theory that business users in particular have been reluctant to move from XP," commented Aodhan Cullen, referring to the daily OS stats which display significant peaks in XP usage during the working week (Mon-Fri) combined with corresponding dips in the usage of Windows 7.

    "The new Windows 8 interface represents a radical overhaul for Microsoft, allowing it to enter the tablet market with the new Surface. The scale of change of the desktop experience, however, may heighten the initial reluctance of traditional business users to upgrade to this new OS," he added.

    In the UK Windows 7 has 51.75% share followed by XP (15.57%) and Vista (12.95%).

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US; 700 million from the UK) to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    Apart from its research arm, StatCounter ( provides free website stats. This service allows website owners to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time. StatCounter has a free service offering with optional upgrades available. Sign up now at to learn about your visitors and improve your website, blog or online business.


    Press queries:
    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: + 353 1 260 5300; E:

    About StatCounter Global Stats
    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:00:00 GMT
    Web analytics company StatCounter highlights evolving global browser landscape in new video
  • A four year history of internet browsers in two minutes
  • Boston and Dublin, 9th July: 2012: StatCounter, the independent web analytics firm, has launched a new video which in less than two minutes illustrates the changing world map of browser usage over the last four years. The animation can be viewed at:

    "When we began the StatCounter Global Stats project in 2008, Microsoft's Internet Explorer dominated the global market," comments Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "There is much greater competition now. Although IE still leads in countries such as the US and UK, on a worldwide basis Google's Chrome overtook IE in May and maintained a narrow lead in June."

    He added that IE is not taking Chrome's challenge lying down. From May to June, IE increased its usage share by two-tenths of one percentage point, the first monthly increase since October/November 2011. On a weekly basis, while Chrome overtook IE in week 20 (14 - 20 May 2012), by week 24 (11 - 17 June 2012) IE had staged a fight-back and was exactly equal with Chrome in terms of browser usage for that seven-day period.

    Cullen added that not-for-profit Mozilla's Firefox is also a real contender. "The opening up of competition and greater choice can only be good news for users and help to create better browsers."

    StatCounter data is based on over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US; 800 million from the UK) to StatCounter's network of over three million websites. The company is independent and transparent. It publishes full information about its methodology, allows users to check its detection and examine its individual country sample sizes. Its research is provided as a free service to the web community.

    Apart from its research arm, StatCounter provides free web analytics. This allows website owners to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time.



    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or other press queries please contact:
    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: + 353 1 260 5300 or E:


    Browser Usage Stats based on Page Views

    To accurately measure browser usage, we base our stats on page views (not unique visitors). View a video explanation here:

    Fact Sheet

    See our fact sheet for further information: Understanding Browser Usage Share Data.

    Mon, 09 Jul 2012 09:00:00 GMT
    Independent web analytics firm StatCounter confirms milestone as Chrome overtakes IE globally for first calendar month
  • “Browser wars back with a vengeance”
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Friday 1st June, 2012: After weeks of speculation, Google's Chrome has unseated Microsoft Internet Explorer to become the world's top internet browser for the first time for a full calendar month in May, according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats says that Chrome surpassed IE for the first full day back in March and the achievement of the weekly milestone was widely reported on 21 May.

    For the full month of May according to StatCounter data from over 15 billion page views, Chrome took 32.43% of the worldwide market compared to 32.12% for IE and 25.55% for Firefox.

    StatCounter says that a battle royal has broken out between Chrome, IE and Firefox. “While attention has recently been focused on the battle between Chrome and IE, not-for-profit Mozilla's Firefox with its loyal membership base should not be underestimated,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. He points out that an upswing of over 0.6% in Firefox usage from April to May 2012 (apparently at the expense of IE) helped to push Chrome into pole position.

    “The browser wars are back with a vengeance,” he added. “This time there are three major players competing for the top spot but, ultimately, the real winner will be the end user who can look forward to more choice and innovation as a result of this increased competition.”

    In a stunning display of growth, Chrome has gone from zero to market leader on a worldwide basis in less than four years. That said, while IE has ceded the top spot to Chrome for May 2012, Microsoft's newest browser version (IE9) is performing well and Firefox is holding its own.

    In the US, IE remains the dominant browser. IE is similarly dominant in the UK.

    StatCounter Global Stats has recently launched a new map feature which clearly illustrates the increasing global usage of Chrome. The increase is particularly evident when mapped data from May 2011 and May 2012 is compared – both IE and Firefox cede a significant number of countries to Chrome over the period.


    Press queries

    For interview with Aodhan Cullen, photo or other press queries please contact:

    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: + 353 1 260 5300 or E:

    Notes to Editors:

    Sample Size

    Stats are based on over 15 billion page views per month recorded across over 3 million websites. We are not aware of any publicly available stats with a larger sample size.

    Browser Usage Stats based on Page Views

    To accurately measure browser usage, we base our stats on page views (and not unique visitors). This means we take account of how frequently browsers are used and we also track multi-browser usage by individuals. Click to view a video explanation.

    Google Chrome Prerendering

    From 1 May 2012, prerendered pages in Google Chrome (which are not actually viewed) are not included in our stats. Statistics prior to this date have not been revised. Note that this change has not had any discernible impact on our browser stats. This is due to our use of page views to track browser usage - page views are less susceptible to influence by prerendering than unique visitors.

    Fact Sheet

    Further information is available in our fact sheet - Understanding Browser Usage Share Data.

    Fri, 01 Jun 2012 07:00:00 GMT
    IE9 bucks the trend of older Microsoft browsers at weekends
  • Web analytics firm research suggests acceptance of IE9 by home users
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 8th May 2012: Microsoft's latest browser IE9 is performing strongly at the weekend according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that, while total IE usage dips, IE9 usage peaks at weekends.

    Commenting, Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter said, "We have previously noted that Google's Chrome peaks at the weekend at the expense of IE. This seems to suggest that many home (as opposed to business) users prefer Chrome to IE. However, having drilled down further into our data, we have released a new statistic which allows the comparison of Chrome (all versions combined)* with the individual versions of other browsers. This shows that while IE6, 7 and 8 usage falls off at the weekend, IE9 spikes. This indicates that IE9 is bucking the trend of previous IE versions and is gaining home user traction."

    The weekend trend towards both Chrome and IE9 peaking is repeated across US and UK users.

    StatCounter data is based on over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US; 850 million from the UK) to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    Apart from its research arm, StatCounter provides free website traffic analysis. This allows website owners to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time.


    Press queries:
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact:
    Naomi McElroy, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: + 353 1 260 5300 or E:

    * Google uses an automated update process for Chrome and rapidly releases new versions without requirement for user action. This release process ensures that all Chrome users are transitioned to newly released versions within a very short timeframe. Another consequence of this release process is that our "Browser Version" graphs can become clogged with several versions of Chrome over a short period. This forces some older browser versions off our graphs and makes it difficult to conduct analysis of browser version trends. We have released a new statistic Browser Version (Partially Combined) to allow the comparison of Chrome (all versions combined) with other browser versions which are released in a more traditional manner.

    About StatCounter Global Stats
    Further information is available at:

    Tue, 08 May 2012 11:00:00 GMT
    Screen Resolution Alert for Web Developers
  • Web analytics firm reports that 1366x768 overtakes 1024x768 for first time
  • Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland, Wednesday, 11th April, 2012: A major milestone in screen resolution sizes has been passed according to independent web analytics company, StatCounter. The company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats reports that for the first time 1366x768 has become the most popular screen resolution worldwide, having overtaken 1024x768.

    "The data reflects a continuing trend of users moving to larger screen resolution sizes," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "The screen resolution size people are using is a critical factor for developers when it comes to web design, particularly in the case of fixed width web pages."

    Since StatCounter began its tracking of screen resolution in March 2009, as a free service to developers and other users, 1024x768 has been the dominant screen size globally on the web (excluding mobile*). 1024x768 has fallen from 41.8% in March 2009 to 18.6% in March 2012. Over the same period 1366x768 has grown from 0.68% to 19.28%.The third most popular size is 1280x800 at 13%.

    Cullen also said that while StatCounter Global Stats provides information on worldwide and regional trends, monitoring the specific screen resolutions being used to view individual sites is also very important.

    StatCounter ( provides free website traffic analysis. This allows web developers to capture screen resolution stats on their own and on their client websites in real time. Other information available includes search terms, download stats, exit links and other data.

    StatCounter Global Stats data is based on over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.


    Press queries:
    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    *StatCounter Global Stats provide screen resolution stats relating to desktop, laptop and tablet devices. Mobile devices are not included.

    About StatCounter Global Stats
    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    Wed, 11 Apr 2012 10:00:00 GMT
    Chrome is world's number one browser for a day
  • Web analytics firm data confirms trend to Chrome at weekends
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday, 21st March, 2012:: Google's Chrome narrowly became the world's top internet browser for the first time on Sunday 18 March 2012, according to StatCounter, the independent website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Chrome topped the polls in India, Russia and Brazil, all of which contributed to it becoming the number one browser for that day on a global basis.

    "While it is only one day, this is a milestone," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. He added that Chrome still faces a battle to unseat its main rivals including IE and Firefox in many regions. Chrome remains in 2nd or 3rd place in China, United States and Germany, for example.

    "Whether Chrome can take the lead in the browser wars in the long term remains to be seen, however the trend towards Chrome usage at weekends is undeniable. At weekends, when people are free to choose what browser to use, many of them are selecting Chrome in preference to IE," added Aodhan Cullen, commenting on the weekend surges in Chrome usage.

    StatCounter data is based on over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) to the StatCounter network of more than three million websites*.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    *About StatCounter Global Stats

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:00:00 GMT
    Mobile internet usage is doubling year on year
  • Nokia global leader
  • Apple king in US and UK
  • Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; Monday, 6th February, 2012: Global internet usage through mobile devices, not including tablets*, has almost doubled to 8.5% in January 2012 from 4.3% last year according to free web analytics company StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats highlights the increasing use of mobile devices to access the internet with market share doubling year on year since 2009 (Table A below).

    "While global internet usage through mobiles is still under 10%, the pace of growth is remarkable," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    StatCounter has also announced that new stats regarding mobile vendors are now available on its Global Stats website. The firm has been compiling and refining these stats for some time and has now made the beta project public. Based on initial research covering all traffic to the StatCounter network, Nokia leads worldwide, most probably driven by its dominance in India. Apple is second globally but leads the US and UK markets. In the UK RIM is second only to Apple.

    "Following repeated requests, we've decided to make our new mobile vendor stats publicly available," commented Aodhan Cullen, StatCounter. "As the mobile space is constantly evolving, we keep our detection under constant review." Anyone wishing to contribute to the detection project can submit feedback using the detect tool:

    StatCounter ( provides free website traffic analysis. This allows website owners, developers and bloggers to capture website intelligence in real time e.g. number of visitors, visitors by country/region, search terms, popular pages, download stats, exit links and other data.

    Table A:
    Global use of mobile devices to access internet
    (excludes tablets*)

    Jan 2009: 0.7%
    Jan 2010: 1.6%
    Jan 2011: 4.3%
    Jan 2012: 8.5%
    Source: StatCounter Global Stats

    * StatCounter defines mobile device as a pocket-sized computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, which provides free web analytics globally, is based in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in 1999. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Mon, 06 Feb 2012 11:00:00 GMT
    Chrome 15 Becomes World's Most Popular Browser
  • Free web analytics company reports IE 8 still leads in US but Chrome 15 is number one in UK
  • Boston, USA; Dublin, Ireland; Thursday, 15th December, 2011: Google's Chrome 15 has become the most popular web browser version worldwide for the first time on a weekly basis, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that in the last full week in November, Chrome 15 took 23.6% of the worldwide market compared to Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 at 23.5%. If one aggregates all versions then IE still leads the global market with Chrome in second position, having overtaken Firefox in November.

    "Google announced Chrome for business exactly a year ago and IT administrators appear to have embraced it in a remarkably short time," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Looking at the daily stats, Chrome 14 and 15 have been overtaking IE8 at weekends since the beginning of October. However, Chrome 15 overtook IE8 for the first time during the five day working week, in week commencing 5th December. It looks as if people favour Chrome on weekends at home but office commercial use has now caught up."

    In the US Internet Explorer 8 continues to be the most popular browser version with 27.0% for week commencing 5th December compared to 18.1% for Chrome 15. However, in the UK Chrome 15 overtook IE8 in the week commencing November 7th. Last week (commencing 5th December) Chrome 15 had 24.7% in the UK compared to IE8 on 21.1%.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    As well as free web research, StatCounter ( provides free web analytics. This allows website owners, developers and bloggers to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time including number of visitors, visitors by country/region, search terms, popular pages, download stats, exit links and other data.

    In September StatCounter announced its new website with added features.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, which provides free web analytics globally, is based in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in 1999. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 15 Dec 2011 09:00:00 GMT
    Chrome Overtakes Firefox Globally for First Time
  • Free web analytics company reports that Internet Explorer still leads despite falling market share
  • Boston, USA; Dublin, Ireland; Thursday, 1st December, 2011: Google's browser Chrome overtook Firefox for the first time globally on a monthly basis in November, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Chrome took 25.69% of the worldwide market (up from 4.66% in November 2009) compared to Firefox's 25.23%. Microsoft's Internet Explorer still maintains a strong lead globally with 40.63%.

    "We can look forward to a fascinating battle between Microsoft and Google as the pace of growth of Chrome suggests that it will become a real rival to Internet Explorer globally," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Our stats measure actual browser usage, not downloads, so while Chrome has been highly effective in ensuring downloads our stats show that people are actually using it to access the web also."

    In the US Internet Explorer continues to perform strongly and is maintaining market share at 50.66%, up slightly from 50.24% year on year. Firefox retains second place on 20.09%, down from 26.75%. Chrome is up to 17.3% from 10.89%. Safari is on 10.76% from 10.71%.

    In the UK, Internet Explorer also leads the market with 42.82%. Chrome is on 24.82%, having overtaken Firefox (20.56%) in July. (For other individual country or regional analysis see StatCounter Global Stats).

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    As well as free web research, StatCounter ( provides free website traffic analysis. This allows website owners, developers and bloggers to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time including number of visitors, visitors by country/region, search terms, popular pages, download stats, exit links and other data.

    In September StatCounter announced its new website with added features.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, which provides free web analytics globally, is based in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in 1999. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 01 Dec 2011 09:00:00 GMT
    Windows 7 overtakes XP globally for first time in October
  • Free web analytics company tracks rise of Windows 7
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 1st November 2011: Microsoft's operating system Windows 7 overtook its 10 year old sibling XP globally for the first time in October, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that in October Windows 7 took 40.5% of global web market share with XP at 38.5%. Windows Vista, which was intended to replace XP, is down at 11.2% globally.

    "Vista was like the ugly sister that few wanted to dance with," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Despite Microsoft trying to keep it back in the kitchen, XP has retained tremendous loyalty over the last decade. However, it looks like the younger Windows 7 is now emerging in the Cinderella role."

    The StatCounter analysis finds that Windows 7 overtook XP in the United States in April of this year and in Europe in July. However, in Asia Windows XP still retains a clear lead at 55% in October compared to 36% for Windows 7. Vista in Asia is at 5%.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample of over 15 billion page views per month (4 billion in the US) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    As well as free web research, StatCounter ( provides free website traffic analysis. This allows website owners, developers and bloggers to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time e.g. number of visitors, visitors by country/region, search terms, popular pages, download stats, exit links and other data.

    In September StatCounter announced its new website with added features.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, which provides free web analytics globally, is based in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in 1999. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 01 Nov 2011 09:00:00 GMT
    Chrome Overtakes Firefox for UK Number Two Browser Spot in July
  • Ahead of Firefox in Ireland
  • London, UK & Dublin, Ireland; Monday, 1st August 2011: Google's Chrome became the number two browser in the UK during the month of July for the first time, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Chrome took 22.1% of the UK market, up from 3.9% in July 2009. In the same period Microsoft's Internet Explorer fell significantly from 61% to 46% globally and Firefox dropped slightly from 27% to 22%.

    "Chrome continues to make significant gains in the browser market going from under 4% two years ago to over 20% today," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Despite falling market share Internet Explorer still leads in the browser war but the next few months will be interesting to watch with Chrome and Firefox almost neck and neck."

    Chrome is also performing particularly well in Ireland where it overtook Firefox in May to become the number two browser. In July it reached 27.7%, ahead of Firefox's 24.2% but still behind IE at 39.9%.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (830 million from the UK and Ireland) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    Apart from its research arm, StatCounter provides free website traffic analysis. This allows website owners, developers and bloggers to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time e.g. number of visitors, visitors by country/region, search terms, popular pages, download stats, exit links and other data.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: StatCounter Global Stats
    T: +353 1 436 1868 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, which provides free web analytics globally, is based in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in 1999. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Mon, 01 Aug 2011 09:00:00 GMT
    Chrome Breaks 20% Globally in June
  • Ahead of Firefox in South America; neck and neck in UK
  • Despite falling market share Internet Explorer still leads
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Friday, 1st July 2011: Google's Chrome exceeded 20% of the worldwide internet browser market during the month of June for the first time, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Chrome took 20.7% of the global market, up from 2.8% in June 2009. In the same period Microsoft's Internet Explorer has fallen from 59% to 44% globally and Firefox dropped slightly from 30% to 28%.

    "It is a superb achievement by Google to go from under 3% two years ago to over 20% today," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "While Google has been highly effective in getting Chrome downloaded the real test is actual browser usage which our stats measure."

    Chrome has performed particularly well in South America where it overtook Firefox in April to become the number two browser. In June it reached 29.7%, ahead of Firefox's 24.6% and behind IE at 44.1%.

    In the US Chrome has risen to 16% behind market leader IE on 46.5% and Firefox on 24.7%. In the UK, Chrome at 21.1% is now neck and neck with Firefox on 21.7%. IE leads the UK market on 46.4%. (For other individual country or regional analysis see StatCounter Global Stats)

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    Apart from its research arm, StatCounter provides free website traffic analysis. This allows website owners, developers and bloggers to capture valuable intelligence on their site in real time e.g. number of visitors, visitors by country/region, search terms, popular pages, download stats, exit links and other data.


    Press queries
    For interview with Aodhan Cullen or other press queries please contact: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, which provides free web analytics globally, is based in Dublin, Ireland and was founded in 1999. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Fri, 01 Jul 2011 09:30:00 GMT
    Firefox 4 Becomes Leading Firefox Version Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday, 1st June 2011: Mozilla's Firefox 4 reached 14.2% of the worldwide market in May, overtaking for the first time its previous 3.6 version which is on 12.3%, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that following its launch on March 22nd Firefox 4 has overtaken Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9.0 which is on 4.6% globally and is just behind Google's Chrome 11 which has 16%.

    "Firefox 4 has performed well since launch and is on an upward trajectory," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "This is particularly impressive as a Firefox upgrade has to be initiated or authorized by the user, unlike Chrome, for example, which undergoes automatic updates."

    When all versions are combined IE still leads the pack globally with 43.9% followed by Firefox with 29.3%. The forward momentum, however, is with Chrome which has increased from 8.6% a year ago to 19.4% in May 2011.

    In the USA Firefox 4 is on 12.6% compared to 10.7% for Firefox 3.6 while IE 9 is on 5.9%. Aodhan Cullen added that IE 9 is restricted by the fact that it only runs on Windows 7 and Vista and not on XP, the worldwide market leader. When all browser versions are taken into account IE leads the US market with 47% followed by Firefox on 25% and Chrome on 15%.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, publishes browser version stats via StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool. It also monitors other Internet market share battles including Social Media.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 01 Jun 2011 10:00:00 GMT
    Firefox 4 Hits the Ground Running and Eclipses Internet Explorer 9 Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday, 23rd March 2011: Mozilla Firefox 4, which was launched yesterday (Tuesday 22nd March), has already taken 1.95% of the worldwide Internet browser market according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that on the first day of its release Firefox 4 scored higher globally than Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 9 which was launched more than a week ago.*

    "Firefox 4 has really hit the ground running and has eclipsed the launch of IE 9," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Although IE 9 has undoubtedly been hampered by its lack of compatibility with Windows XP." By yesterday IE 9 had taken just 0.87% of the worldwide market.

    When all versions of each browser are taken in to account, Internet Explorer still leads the global market with 45% followed by Firefox with 30% and Chrome with 17%. In the US, IE (all versions combined) leads the market with 48% followed by Firefox on 26% and Chrome on 14%.

    On a monthly basis, StatCounter figures show a steady decline in the IE global market share from 55% in February last year to 45% this year. In the same time frame Google's Chrome has risen steadily from 7% worldwide to 17%.

    StatCounter recently reported that Firefox overtook Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) to become the number one browser in Europe for the first time in December 2010.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4 billion from the US) from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website stats, publishes browser version stats via StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool. It also monitors other Internet market share battles including Social Media.


    * IE 9 and Firefox 4 were both available for beta testing prior to their respective launch dates

    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 23 Mar 2011 11:00:00 GMT
    Android overtakes BlackBerry for first time
  • Use of mobile to access Internet more than doubles over past year
  • Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 8th March, 2011: Google's Android mobile operating system overtook RIM's BlackBerry globally for the first time on a monthly basis in February according to web analytics company, StatCounter. Its research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that Android recorded 15.2% of the worldwide market compared to 14.5% for BlackBerry. Nokia's Symbian still leads the global market with 30.7% with Apple iOS in second place with 24.6%.

    StatCounter data also pinpoints the rise and rise of mobile devices* to access the Internet. The use of mobile to access the Internet compared to desktop has more than doubled worldwide from 1.72% a year ago to 4.45% today. The same trend is evident in the US with mobile Internet usage more than doubling over the past year from 2.59% to 6.32%.

    StatCounter, which specialises in website analytics for organisations and bloggers, provides free lifetime stats and free detailed analysis on the latest 500 hits. Members can upgrade to access more detailed stats from $5 a month.

    "The momentum is certainly with Android which has almost tripled its market share over the last 12 months from 5.4% to 15.2%," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. In the same period iOS fell globally from 33.9% to 24.6%.#

    In North America Android at 26.4% in February also overtook BlackBerry at 22.2%. iOS leads the North American market with 37.5%. Compared to its global presence Symbian is well back in North America with 5.7%.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month from the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website stats, publishes mobile operating system stats via StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool. It also monitors other Internet market share battles including Social Media.


    * A mobile device is defined as a pocket-sized computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard.
    # The iPad does not conform to the above definition of mobile device and is not therefore included in these stats.

    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 08 Mar 2011 11:00:00 GMT
    Bing overtakes Yahoo! globally for first time Boston, USA & Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 1st March, 2011: The Bing search engine overtook Yahoo! for the first time worldwide in January and increased its lead in February according to web analytics company, StatCounter. Its research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that globally Bing reached 4.37% in February ahead of Yahoo! at 3.93%. Both trail far behind Google's 89.94% of the global search engine market.

    In the United States Yahoo! at 9.74% still retains its lead over Bing at 9.03%. Google's share in the US is 79.63%. In July 2009 Microsoft announced an agreement whereby Bing would power the Yahoo! search technology. This has been implemented in the US, Canada, Australia, Brazil and Mexico.

    "It is significant that Bing overtook Yahoo! globally for the first time on a monthly basis but it remains a tough battle to claw back Google's market share," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Although Google dipped below the 90% mark in February worldwide for the first time since August 2009 it shows little sign of losing its global dominance any time soon."

    StatCounter, which specialises in website visitor analysis for organisations and bloggers, provides free lifetime stats and free detailed analysis on the latest 500 hits. Members can upgrade to access more detailed stats from $5 a month.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected on a sample of over 15 billion page views per month from across the StatCounter network of more than three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, publishes search engine stats in its StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool. It also monitors internet market share battles including browsers, Social Media and operating systems including mobile.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 01 Mar 2011 12:00:00 GMT
    Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe in browser wars
  • Internet Explorer loses crown in major market for first time
  • Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday 4th January, 2011: Firefox overtook Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) to become the number one browser in Europe in December 2010 according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that in December, Firefox took 38.11% of European market share, compared to IE's 37.52%.

    "This is the first time that IE has been dethroned from the number one spot in a major territory," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "This appears to be happening because Google's Chrome is stealing share from Internet Explorer while Firefox is mainly maintaining its existing share."

    Google Chrome in third place is gaining market share in Europe and has grown to 14.58% compared to 5.06% in December last year. "We are probably seeing the impact of the agreement between European Commission competition authorities and Microsoft, to offer EU users a choice and menu of browsers from March last," added Aodhan Cullen.

    In North America IE still retains a clear lead in the browser market with 48.92% followed by Firefox (26.7%), Chrome (12.82%) and Safari (10.16%).

    StatCounter Global Stats is based on aggregate data collected by StatCounter on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month (4.9 billion from North America) collected from across the StatCounter network of more than 3 million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, publishes browser stats via StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool. It also monitors internet market share battles including Search Engines, Social Media and Operating Systems including mobile.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 04 Jan 2011 10:00:00 GMT
    BlackBerry overtakes Apple in Mobile Wars
  • Google's Android Gaining Market Share
  • Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; Wednesday 1st December, 2010: BlackBerry OS overtook Apple's iOS for the first time in the US in November in terms of mobile internet usage according to web analytics company, StatCounter. The company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats finds that for the first time in the US BlackBerry OS at 34.3% overtook Apple's iOS which recorded 33% in November.

    Google's Android is rapidly gaining and has almost tripled internet market share from 8.2% last November to 23.8% this year. Apple's iOS has fallen from 51.9% to 33% over the same period.

    "These figures suggest that developers should not be developing solely for the iPhone to the exclusion of BlackBerry and Android," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. He added that, if current trends continue, BlackBerry and Android combined are on course to become twice the size of iOS as regards mobile internet usage in the next year.

    Commenting on Microsoft's new Windows Phone 7 he said that it was not yet registering significantly in terms of internet usage but would be interesting to observe over the next year. "This data demonstrates that there is a battle royal already going on in the smartphone market for the consumer and business internet user. You can never underestimate Microsoft but it looks to have its work cut out."

    BlackBerry's US lead is not replicated in terms of worldwide share according to the StatCounter data. Globally Symbian OS leads with 31.9% followed by iOS (21.9%), BlackBerry OS (19.3%) and Android (11.6%).

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected by StatCounter on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month collected from across the StatCounter network of more than three million websites. StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, publishes worldwide internet usage trends via StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 01 Dec 2010 09:00:00 GMT
    Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser falls below 50% of worldwide market for first time Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 5th October 2010: Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser has fallen below 50% of the worldwide market for the first time according to StatCounter. The company's research arm, StatCounter Global Stats finds that Microsoft IE fell to 49.87% in September followed by Firefox with 31.5%. Google's Chrome continues to increase market share at an impressive rate and has more than tripled from 3.69% in September 2009 to 11.54% in September this year.

    "This is certainly a milestone in the Internet browser wars," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Just two years ago IE dominated the worldwide market with 67%."

    He added that Microsoft's agreement with European Commission competition authorities to offer EU users a choice and menu of browsers from March may have tipped IE below 50% globally.

    In Europe, IE market share has fallen to 40.26% in September this year from 46.44% in September last year. In North America IE is still above 50% at 52.3% followed by Firefox at 27.21% and Chrome at 9.87%.

    The rise of Google Chrome in North America has also been impressive and in June it overtook Safari for the first time.

    StatCounter Global Stats are based on aggregate data collected by StatCounter on a sample exceeding 15 billion page views per month collected from across the StatCounter network of more than 3 million websites. StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, publishes Browser Stats in its StatCounter Global Stats a free online research tool. It also monitors Internet market share battles including Search Engines, Social Media and Operating Systems including mobile.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:00:00 GMT
    Windows 7 Jumps Ahead of Vista Globally for First Time Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland: Wednesday 1st September, 2010: In just over a year since its release to manufacturer (RTM), Windows 7 has overtaken Windows Vista for the first time in total market share worldwide according to web analytics firm, StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that, in August, Windows 7 took 19.4% total market share, compared to Vista's 17.7% worldwide. XP continues to dominate the global market with 55.4%

    StatCounter specialises in website traffic analysis and provides free lifetime stats and free detailed analysis on the latest 500 hits. It recently announced a major upgrade which increased the log quotas to its paying members by a minimum of 100% at no extra cost.

    Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter commented, "Africa, Asia and South America are driving the increased market share for Windows 7. Although there has been extremely good growth for Windows 7 in Europe and North America, it has yet to overtake Vista in these regions."

    Vista continues to outperform Windows 7 in North America with a market share of 24.7% compared to 20.7% for Windows 7 (Windows XP 40.6%). In Europe the gap is even closer with 22.7% for Vista compared to 21.9% for Windows 7 (XP 47.5%).

    Aodhan Cullen added, "The installed base of Windows Vista was very low in Africa, Asia and South America and now users in these regions are upgrading straight from Windows XP to Windows 7 giving rise to this leap in market share."

    The data is based on an analysis of 15 billion page views for August 2010 collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 01 Sep 2010 10:00:00 GMT
    Redd Monday for Digg Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 31st August, 2010: Digg users deserted the site for Reddit on Monday, 30th August according to data from web analytics company, StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats conducted a special analysis of Digg versus Reddit only and reports that, comparatively, Digg traffic to the StatCounter network of 3 million websites plummeted on Monday to 7.6% as opposed to Reddit's 92.4%.

    "The market share between Digg and Reddit tends to fluctuate but on Monday Digg fell to its lowest point compared to Reddit since our tracking began," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Users are voting with their mice following the launch of the new Digg site."

    Monday had been named as "Abandon Digg Day" by some users. "It wasn't so much a 'Black Monday' for Digg as a 'Redd Monday'," added Cullen.

    The data is based on 15 billion page views across the global StatCounter network of member sites. StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, includes Social Media in its StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool for media, analysts, bloggers, researchers and members. StatCounter recently added Screen Resolution stats to its Global Stats database which also monitors internet market share battles including Search Engines, Browsers, Social Media and Operating Systems including mobile.

    Its core business, StatCounter provides web site traffic analysis with free lifetime stats and free detailed analysis on the latest 500 hits. Upgrades are available from $5 a month.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 31 Aug 2010 12:00:00 GMT
    Chrome overtakes Safari for first time to claim third place in US Internet browser market Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; 28 June, 2010: Google's internet browser Chrome has overtaken Apple's Safari in the US for the first time on a weekly basis according to StatCounter, the company which provides free website analytics. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that for the week beginning 21 June Chrome overtook Safari to claim third place in the US browser market.

    "This is quite a coup for Google as they have gone from zero to almost 10% of the US market in under two years," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "There is a battle royal going on between Google and Apple in the internet browser space (Chrome v Safari) as well as in the mobile market (Android v iPhone)."

    Chrome with 8.97% took third place in the US browser market ahead of Safari with 8.88%. Microsoft's Internet Explorer still dominates the US Internet browser market with 52%, followed by Firefox (28.5%).

    Globally Chrome has been well ahead of Safari for some time with 9.4% of the market compared to 4% for Safari. Microsoft's Internet Explorer has 53% of the global market followed by Firefox on 31%.

    The data is based on an analysis of 3.6 billion page views (874 million from the US) for the week 21 to 27 June 2010 collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Mon, 28 Jun 2010 09:00:00 GMT
    IE6 Falls Below 5% for First Time in US and Europe Boston, US and Dublin, Ireland, Tuesday, 1st June, 2010: Usage of web browser Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) in the US and Europe fell below the 5% mark for the first time in May, according to web analytics company, StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that IE6 US usage has fallen to 4.7% from 11.5% 12 months ago.

    "At these levels web developers now have valid justification not to support IE6 in the future," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. A number of sites including YouTube are already understood to have withdrawn support for IE6.

    StatCounter Global Stats reports that IE8 US usage increased to 30.5% in May from 8.5% in the same month last year. IE7 is currently at 16.6% in the US.

    "IE6 has been a bit of a pain for many web developers and designers who have often had to recode their site to get it to work. There are also security implications in its continued usage," added Aodhan Cullen of StatCounter.

    However, globally he suggested that web designers were not out of the woods yet. "If your target market is Asia then IE6 still has 20.8% usage. IE8 has only just overtaken it in Asia." Africa also continues to have high levels of usage of IE6.

    The data is based on an analysis of 15 billion page views (3.8 billion from the US and 4.3 billion from Europe) for May 2010 collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 01 Jun 2010 09:00:00 GMT
    Twitter Generates Almost One in Ten Social Media Hits to Websites
  • StumbleUpon second globally to Facebook and leads in US
  • Boston, US and Dublin, Ireland, Thursday, 22nd April, 2010: Twitter generates almost one in ten Social Media global hits to websites according to web analytics firm, StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Facebook is the primary source of traffic to global websites with almost half (48%) of Social Media hits followed by StumbleUpon with almost a quarter (25%).

    The data for March is based on 13 billion page views across the global StatCounter network of member sites. StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, has recently added Social Media to its StatCounter Global Stats, a free online research tool for media, analysts, bloggers, researchers and members. StatCounter Global Stats monitors Internet market share battles including Search Engines, Browsers, Operating Systems including mobile and now Social Media.

    "From a business perspective the findings suggest that there is merit in having a corporate Facebook page or Twitter account ," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.

    "The surprise packet is StumbleUpon, which over the past year has been consistently in the top two Social Media sites in terms of generating global website traffic. Indeed, in the US in March StumbleUpon was number one ahead of Facebook in terms of website traffic generation."

    The top Social Media sites to generate global website traffic after Facebook, StumbleUpon and Twitter are YouTube (6%), reddit (4%), Digg (2%) and MySpace (2%).

    Mr Cullen added, "Social Media market share fluctuates a lot more than browser or search statistics. For example, Facebook peaked over Christmas and the New Year with almost three quarters of the total, perhaps reflecting its important role in communications between families and friends."

    He also noted that professional Social Media site LinkedIn was ranked at 12 with 0.34%. "This does not reflect its importance as a business site as it is not directly comparable to the more consumer focused sites."


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    Note: Data includes 25 of the main Social Media sites but excludes the recently launched Google Buzz.

    About StatCounter Global Stats

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:00:00 GMT
    Google Gained Market Share in China in Last Six Months Boston and Dublin: Wednesday, 13th January 2010: Google has been closing the gap on Chinese search engine leader Baidu over the last six months according to web analytics company StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that at the end of 2009 Baidu held 56% of the Chinese market compared to Google's 43%.

    "Google has made impressive gains in China since July last when it was at 30% compared to Baidu's 68%," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Our analysis suggests that given Google's recent strong performance, market share is certainly not the reason behind its threat to leave China at this time."

    At the end of 2009 Yahoo! and Bing's combined share of the Chinese search market stood at just 1.18%.

    Despite significant gains in China in the last six months, Google's market share there still lags its global penetration where it has over 90% of the market.

    The analysis is based on 24 million search engine referring clicks from China which were collected between July and December 2009.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter Global Stats

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 13 Jan 2010 17:00:00 GMT
    Encouraging Start for Windows 7
  • But Apple Mac fans remain 'unimpressed'
  • Boston (US) and Dublin (Ireland): Tuesday, 3rd November 2009: Windows 7 has had an encouraging start in the US and globally according to web analytics firm, StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Windows 7 weekly share went from 1.75% of the US market pre launch to 2.82% by the end of October. Globally too the news was positive for Microsoft with market share increasing to the same levels.

    "Windows 7 has hit the ground running and the underlying trend is positive for Microsoft," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "The new operating system should be further boosted by December holiday season sales of computers which will have Windows 7 preinstalled."

    He added that as expected it looks as if Windows 7 is taking market share from Vista and to a lesser extent XP. "In the US Vista has declined from 35.78% to 34.52% at the end of October. XP has seen a smaller fall from 48.92% to 48.47%."

    He added that one factor is clear from the analysis. "Apple Mac fans remain unimpressed by the global launch hype. Mac OS X grew over the same period in the US from 11.29% to 11.87%."

    Data is based on an analysis of 4.7 billion page views (1.1 billion from the US) which were collected during the three week period 12th October to the 1st November 2009 from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics firms in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter Global Stats

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 03 Nov 2009 12:22:05 GMT
    Bing US Market Share Stabilises but Yahoo! Continues Fall
  • Google Hits Highest US Share for Almost a Year
  • Boston (US); Dublin (Ireland): Monday, 2nd November 2009: Microsoft's search engine Bing recovered market share slightly in the US in October according to web analytics firm, StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that Bing took 8.86% in October, up from 8.51% in September but below its peak of 9.64% in August.

    StatCounter says that Yahoo! continues to lose market share, down to 8.91% in October from 9.4% in September and 10.5% in August. Google took 80.39% of the US market, its largest share since November '08.

    "Bing's market share has stabilised after falling since mid August," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "However, a worrying trend for Microsoft is that the combined Bing and Yahoo! market share has seen a steady decline from 20.36% in July to 17.77% in October."

    Globally, Bing and Yahoo! combined took 7.4% of the market compared to 90.81% for Google.

    Data is based on an analysis of 5.1 billion search engine referring clicks (1.27 billion from the US) which were collected during the period October 2008 to October 2009 from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics firms in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    US Search Market

    Date Bing Yahoo! Bing & Yahoo! Combined Google
    Oct 2008 5.23%* 12.34% 17.57%* 80.14%
    May 2009 7.81%* 10.99% 18.80%* 78.72%
    June 2009 8.23%* 11.04% 19.27%* 78.48%
    July 2009 9.41% 10.95% 20.36% 77.54%
    Aug 2009 9.64% 10.50% 20.14% 77.83%
    Sep 2009 8.51% 9.40% 17.91% 80.08%
    Oct 2009 8.86% 8.91% 17.77% 80.39%

    * Market share figure includes MSN Search and Live Search


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter Global Stats

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    Mon, 02 Nov 2009 15:30:00 GMT
    Bing Records First Monthly Decline Since Launch Boston (US); Dublin (Ireland): Thursday, 1st October, 2009: Bing's monthly market share in the US and globally has fallen for the first time since its launch, according to analysis conducted by web analytics firm StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that Bing's share of the US search market in September fell by over one percentage point to 8.51% from 9.64% in August. There was little consolation for Microsoft from the performance of its new partner, Yahoo! which also declined, to 9.40% from 10.50%.

    "The trend has been downwards for Bing since mid August," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "The wheels haven't fallen off but the underlying trend must be a little worrying for Microsoft."

    Google was the beneficiary from the decline of its main rival, increasing by more than two percentage points to 80.08% in September from 77.83% the previous month.

    Globally, Bing also declined slightly to 3.25% from 3.58% - a trend mirrored by Yahoo! which fell to 4.37% from 4.84%. Google breached the 90% mark to 90.54% - similar to its global market share a year previously (90.53%).

    Data is based on an analysis of 4.6 billion search engine referring clicks (1.1 billion from the US) which were collected during the period September 2008 to September 2009 from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics firms in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    US Search Market

    Date Bing Yahoo! Bing & Yahoo! Combined Google
    Sep 2008 5.71%* 12.57% 18.28%* 79.36%
    May 2009 7.81%* 10.99% 18.80%* 78.72%
    June 2009 8.23%* 11.04% 19.27%* 78.48%
    July 2009 9.41% 10.95% 20.36% 77.54%
    Aug 2009 9.64% 10.50% 20.14% 77.83%
    Sep 2009 8.51% 9.40% 17.91% 80.08%

    * Market share figure includes MSN Search and Live Search


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    About StatCounter Global Stats

    For individual country analysis go to:

    Further information on our analysis is available at:

    Thu, 01 Oct 2009 11:00:00 GMT
    Bing Slows in Race against Google Boston (US); Dublin (Ireland): Tuesday, 1st September, 2009: Microsoft's Bing search market share in the US grew by just 0.23% in August to 9.64%, the slowest monthly growth rate since its launch, according to analysis conducted by web analytics firm StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats also finds that Bing and Yahoo! combined declined slightly in August to 20.14% from 20.36% in July.

    "Perhaps a little worrying for Microsoft is that when you analyse the weekly data, Bing peaked for the week 10th - 16th August at 10.98% and has declined since then," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. Google increased its search market share slightly in the US in August from 77.54% to 77.83%.

    Globally Microsoft and Yahoo! combined took 8.42% of the search market in August, a decline of 0.35% on July's figure (8.77%). Google remains the dominant force in the global search market with 89.57% in August (89.23% in July).

    Data is based on an analysis of 1.073 billion search engine referring clicks (272 million from the US) which were collected in July and August from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    US Search Market

      July 2009 August 2009
    Bing 9.41% 9.64%
    Yahoo! 10.95% 10.50%
    Bing & Yahoo! Combined 20.36% 20.14%
    Google 77.54% 77.83%


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Note to Editors:
    About StatCounter Global Stats Analysis

    For information on our analysis go to:

    Tue, 01 Sep 2009 10:15:00 GMT
    Bing Gains Another 1% of Search Market
  • Google still dominates US search market despite combined Microsoft and Yahoo! competition
  • Boston (US); Dublin (Ireland): Monday, 3rd August, 2009: Bing again slightly increased the Microsoft share of the US search market in July to 9.41% from 8.23% in June according to analysis conducted by web analytics firm StatCounter. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats finds that Microsoft and Yahoo! combined took 20.36% of the market, up slightly from 19.27% in June. Google still commands the US market with 77.54% in July (78.48% in June).

    "Bing continues to make slow but steady progress but the combined Yahoo! figures suggests that the deal announced last week will have to demonstrate major future synergies if it is to make any dent in Google's dominance," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder, StatCounter.

    The challenge for Microsoft and Yahoo! is even greater in the global market according to StatCounter analysis. Microsoft and Yahoo! combined took 8.77% of the global search market in July (8.45% in June). Google still dominates the search market globally with 89.23% in July (89.80% in June).

    Data is based on an analysis of 1.006 billion search engine referring clicks (258 million from the US) which were collected in June and July from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    US Search Market

      June 2009 July 2009
    Bing * 8.23% 9.41%
    Yahoo! 11.04% 10.95%
    Bing * & Yahoo! Combined 19.27% 20.36%
    Google 78.48% 77.54%
    * In June, the market share figure includes MSN Search and Live Search


    Press queries to: Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    T: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Mon, 03 Aug 2009 11:00:00 GMT
    Bing Overtakes Yahoo! for Second Time
  • Google still dominates search engine market wars
  • Dublin (Ireland): Friday, 10th July, 2009: For the second time since it was launched, Microsoft's Bing search engine overtook Yahoo! Thursday (9th July) in US usage according to analysis conducted by web analytics firm StatCounter. Bing took 12.9% of the US market ahead of Yahoo!'s 10.15% but still well behind market leader Google at 74.99% according to the company's research arm StatCounter Global Stats.

    The last time Bing overtook Yahoo! on one day was shortly after launch on June 4th according to StatCounter.

    "The jump in Bing's share may reflect a positive review of the search engine compared to Google which appeared online in the New York Times on the 8th and in the print version on the 9th July," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "While its lead over Yahoo! may not last into next week our data suggests that it is slowly but surely closing the gap."

    StatCounter earlier this month announced June figures which showed that Microsoft had 8.23% market share in the US behind Yahoo! at 11.04% with Google at 78.48%. This research was based on an analysis of 1.316 billion search engine referring clicks (336 million from the US) which were collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Fri, 10 Jul 2009 15:00:00 GMT
    Firefox 3.5 Fast Out of Blocks Boston and Dublin (Ireland): Thursday, 2nd July, 2009: Firefox 3.5 has rapidly gained over 2% of the US browser market since its launch Tuesday according to web analytics firm, StatCounter. This brings Firefox's usage of the US browser market to 31.8% according to StatCounter Global Stats.

    Browser version breakdown:
    Combined browser breakdown:

    "The fastest version yet of Firefox has certainly sprinted out of the blocks with 2.06% usage in the US in a short time," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "This latest addition boosts competition for Microsoft Internet Explorer in the browser market wars."

    StatCounter says that globally Firefox 3.5 has also hit the ground running with 1.95% usage. All Firefox usage globally is 30.7%.

    Microsoft IE combined (IE 6, 7 and 8) continues to lead with 60% of the global browser market and 55.8% in the US. Google's Chrome has a 2.9% usage in the US and similar globally (2.87%).

    Global browser breakdown:

    Data is based on an analysis of 180 million page views (42 million from the US) for the 1st July 2009 collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 02 Jul 2009 13:10:00 GMT
    Bing Gains 1% of Search Market for Microsoft
  • Google still dominates US and global markets
  • Boston (US); Dublin (Ireland): Wednesday, 1st July, 2009: Bing has increased Microsoft's share of the search market by 1% in the US according to analysis for June conducted by web analytics firm StatCounter. Microsoft had 8.23% market share in June, behind Yahoo! at 11.04% according to monthly analysis by StatCounter Global Stats. Google still dominates the US market but has fallen back slightly from 79.07% in April to 78.48% in June.
    (Graph: )

    Microsoft US market share has gone from 7.21% in April to 8.23% in June. "At first sight, a 1% increase in market share does not appear to be a huge return on the investment Microsoft has made in Bing but the underlying trend appears positive," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Steady if not spectacular might be the best way to describe performance to date."

    Looking at weekly trends for June, Aodhan Cullen said that Microsoft (Bing, Live Search and MSN Search in total) had peaked post launch at 9.21% in week 1st - 7th June. But after falling away in the following two weeks it had staged a comeback in the last week in June to 8.45%.

    Microsoft market share, May/June - US
    18th to 24th May: 7.41%
    25th to 31st May: 9.11%
    1st to 7th June: 9.21%
    8th to 14th June: 7.47%
    14th to 21st June: 7.6%
    22nd to 28th June: 8.45%
    (Source: StatCounter Global Stats - Search Engine Market Share)

    Globally Microsoft appears to be making modest headway to date going from 3.08% in April to 3.30% in June. In the same period Yahoo! has fallen from 5.48% to 5.15% globally. While Google still dominates the global market with 89.80%.
    (Graph: )

    Data is based on an analysis of 1.316 billion search engine referring clicks (336 million from the US) which were collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites.

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month.

    Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or E:

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 01 Jul 2009 11:30:00 GMT
    Bing Takes Market Share Despite Falling Behind Yahoo! New York (US) and Dublin (Ireland); Thu, 11th June, 2009: While Bing has fallen back to third place behind Google and Yahoo! it is winning market share for Microsoft against its two main rivals in the US and worldwide according to latest analysis from StatCounter Global Stats.

    StatCounter analyzed search engine market share two weeks before and after the formal launch of Bing on May 28th (14th May to the 27th May and the 28th May to 10th June). For the US market it found:
    Google decreased from 78.68% to 77.94% (-0.74%)
    Yahoo decreased from 11.46% to 10.76% (-0.7%)
    Microsoft (Bing, MSN Search and Live Search) increased from 7.4% to 9% (+1.6%)
    (See: )

    "It is too early to say what the long term result will be but this is a creditable performance by Bing," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO StatCounter. "It remains to be seen what happens to Bing after user curiosity and the reported $100m advertising budget runs out."

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month. StatCounter Global Stats research data is based on four billion pageloads per month.

    Worldwide, comparing the two weeks before and after the Bing launch, StatCounter reports a similar trend with Microsoft taking market share.
    Google decreased from 89.81% to 89.69% (-0.12%)
    Yahoo decreased from 5.34% to 5.1% (-0.24%)
    Microsoft (Bing, MSN Search and Live Search) increased from 3.08% to 3.5% (+0.42%)
    (See: )

    Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:19:00 GMT
    Bing Overtakes Yahoo! New York (US) and Dublin (Ireland); Friday, 5th June, 2009: Microsoft's Bing overtook Yahoo! as the number two search engine in the United States and worldwide Thursday (4th June) according to data from StatCounter Global Stats. StatCounter says that Bing grabbed market share from Google.

    "It remains to be seen if Bing falls away after the initial novelty and promotion but at first sight it looks like Microsoft is on to a winner," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "Steve Ballmer is quoted as saying that he wanted Microsoft to become the second biggest search engine within five years. Following the breakdown in talks to acquire Yahoo! at a cost of $40bn it looks as if he may have just achieved that with Bing much sooner and a lot cheaper than anticipated."

    StatCounter's analysis for Thursday finds that in the US Bing leapfrogged Yahoo to take second place on 16.28%. Yahoo! has 10.22%. Google still commands the US search engine market with 71.47%.

    StatCounter data globally finds that Bing at 5.62% has taken a narrow lead over Yahoo! (5.13%). Google worldwide retains 87.62% of the market. See

    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world monitoring in excess of ten billion pageloads per month. In March it launched StatCounter Global Stats, a free online service which captures market share battles of search engines, browsers and operating systems including mobile.

    The StatCounter Global Stats research data is based on four billion pageloads per month. Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Fri, 05 Jun 2009 11:00:00 GMT
    Opera Retakes Leadership from iPhone in Mobile Browser Market Dublin, Ireland, 2nd June 2009: Opera is the world's number one mobile browser, overtaking iPhone in May according to data from StatCounter Global Stats. In May Opera took 24.6% of the worldwide market compared to 22.3% for iPhone. Nokia retains third place with 17.9%. However, if one includes iPod Touch then Apple browsers still lead with iPod Touch alone taking 14.9% of the market in May.


    StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis, is one of the largest web analytics companies in the world recording in excess of ten billion pageloads per month. In March it launched StatCounter Global Stats, a free online service which captures market share of search engines, browsers and operating systems including mobile.

    "Opera began the year in number one slot but iPhone overtook it in February. May saw Opera regain the number one position," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder of StatCounter. "It will be fascinating to watch how this battle plays out over the year."

    He drew attention to the performance of BlackBerry which is in fourth place with 6.9% of the global market. "An interesting finding is that BlackBerry has steadily increased market share from 4.9% in January to 6.9% in May. Despite the global recession it looks as if executives are holding on to their BlackBerries," commented Cullen.

    The StatCounter research data is based on four billion pageloads per month. Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 02 Jun 2009 09:00:00 GMT
    Firefox 3.0 Becomes Most Popular Web Browser in Europe for First Time Dublin and London; Tuesday, 31st March, 2009: Mozilla Firefox 3.0 became the most popular web browser in Europe last week, overtaking Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 for the first time on a weekly basis according to web analytics firm StatCounter ( Firefox 3.0 took 35.05% of the European web browser market followed by 34.54% for IE 7.0.


    "The move is partly explained by a small switch from IE 7.0 usage to IE 8.0 but also by growing market share overall by Firefox 3.0," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder StatCounter. "The data shows that Firefox is closing the gap and is now just 10% behind all IE versions in Europe."


    The StatCounter analysis is based on four billion pageloads per month. StatCounter is one of the largest website traffic monitoring companies in the world with over two million members globally. Over 40% are located in the US with 25% in Europe.


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Ronnie Simpson or Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:00:00 GMT
    Vista Breaks Through 30% U.S. Market Share New York and Dublin, Monday, March 23, 2009: For the first time last week Windows Vista consistently broke 30% share of the operating system market in the United States according to research by StatCounter which provides free website traffic statistics.


    "Based on daily data Windows Vista has only topped 30% a few times before and only for a maximum of three days running. This is the first time it has broken through 30% on a weekly basis suggesting that it is gaining some consistent traction in the US," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder, StatCounter.

    However, he said that the data suggested that there was still resistance to Vista in the business market. "The data illustrates clearly that Vista peaks at the weekends while XP peaks during week days."


    Cullen added that Mac OS X is gaining market share. Its share of the operating system market has grown 25% from 6.6% in January (week three) to 8.3% last week. Windows XP still leads the market with 56.6% last week down from 70% in January.

    StatCounter Global Stats analysis is based on four billion pageloads per month. StatCounter is one of the largest website traffic monitoring companies in the world with over two million members globally. Over 40% are located in the US with 25% in Europe.


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Ronnie Simpson or Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:00:00 GMT
    Microsoft IE 8 Launch 'Underwhelms' New York and Dublin, Friday, March 20, 2009: There has been limited take up to date of Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 8 according to research by StatCounter which provides free website traffic statistics. According to StatCounter Global Stats global usage in the first day of launch (March 19) was 1.39%. This is just above its previous day's market penetration of 1.33%. The new browser has been in public beta testing for about a year. By 20th March 17:00 GMT IE 8 market share had risen to 1.56%.

    "I suppose the kindest description of user reaction to IE 8's first public outing would be 'underwhelming'," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder of StatCounter.

    He contrasted the performance to the launch of Firefox 3 last June. "Firefox 3 managed to convert users from its previous browser. Usage of Firefox 3 more than doubled from 7.8% at beta testing to 18.9% over a three day period following the launch (June 16-18)."

    StatCounter is one of the largest website traffic monitoring companies in the world with over two million members globally. Over 40% are located in the US with 25% in Europe. Its analysis is based on four billion pageloads per month.

    To follow how IE 8 is performing go to: (


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Ronnie Simpson or Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Fri, 20 Mar 2009 17:00:00 GMT
    Firefox 3 Gains Ground on Microsoft Internet Explorer in Internet Browser Wars New York, Wednesday, 4th March 2009: Mozilla Firefox 3 overtook Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 for the first time in February in the Internet browser wars according to monthly data from StatCounter Global Stats ( - the new free analysis tool. Internet Explorer 7 continues to lead globally with 41% market share. However, Firefox 3 is now in second place with 24% replacing IE 6.

    "Since its launch less than a year ago, Firefox 3 has attained nearly one quarter of the global market," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder, StatCounter. "IE 7 is consistently holding about 40% of the global market but IE 6 has fallen from 28% in July last to 22% in February this year."* The growth in usage of Firefox 3 can be partly attributed to users upgrading to the new version - Firefox 2 market share has fallen from 16% to 3% in the period.

    Microsoft's combined IE 7 and IE 6 market share has fallen from 68% in July last year to 63% now. IE 8 has gained a toehold in the market of just over 1%. Firefox 3 and 2 has grown from 25% in July last to 27% in February '09. "The overall trend is what is interesting here," added Aodhan Cullen.

    The StatCounter analysis is based on four billion pageloads per month. StatCounter is one of the largest website traffic monitoring companies in the world with over two million members globally. Over 40% are located in the US with 25% in Europe.


    * Source: Figures based on monthly StatCounter Global Stats analysis and available at:

    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Ronnie Simpson or Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 04 Mar 2009 16:30:00 GMT
    iPhone Takes Global Lead in Mobile Browser Wars - StatCounter Research New York and Dublin; Tuesday, 3rd March 2009: iPhone has overtaken Opera as the world's most popular mobile browser according to research conducted by StatCounter which tracks traffic to websites. Its new free research tool StatCounter Global Stats ( finds that iPhone now has 24% of the global browser market followed by Opera with 22%.* Nokia has 18% followed by Apple's iPod Touch with 14%. BlackBerry has 5.8% of the global mobile browser market and Sony PSP 3.4%.

    "We are talking about nothing less than a global phenomenon here," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder, StatCounter. "Apple through the iPhone and iPod Touch is making mobile Internet browsing accessible to the masses. Globally iPhone has been consistently ahead of Opera since mid February."

    In North America StatCounter finds that Apple is starting to dominate the mobile browser market. iPhone has 36.5% followed by iPod Touch with 25%. BlackBerry has 13% and Sony PSP 6%.

    In the UK iPhone and iPod Touch also lead the market with 31% and 20% respectively. This is followed by Nokia (13%), BlackBerry (9.6%) and Opera (7.5%). Sony PSP has 6% of the mobile browser market in the UK.

    The StatCounter research data is based on four billion pageloads per month. Other regional and country breakdowns can be viewed at:


    *Source: StatCounter Global Stats. Data for week to 1st March, 2009.

    Press queries to:

    Ronnie Simpson or Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 03 Mar 2009 09:00:00 GMT
    StatCounter Launches Free Global Stats Tool New York and Dublin; Tuesday, 3rd March 2009: StatCounter, which provides free website traffic information, has launched a new online research tool for media, analysts, bloggers, researchers and members which will help them monitor Internet market share battles. StatCounter Global Stats is a free online service which records market share of Search Engines, Browsers and Operating Systems including mobile.

    The analysis is currently based on four billion pageloads per month. "This is probably the most comprehensive global web analysis you can get and certainly for free," commented former Gartner senior executive, Oisin Byrne who now heads independent tech research company, iReach. "StatCounter is shaking up the web research market by being able to provide such comprehensive statistics at no cost to users."

    StatCounter Global Stats ( will monitor issues such as how Google's new browser Chrome is doing against Microsoft Internet Explorer or how the iPhone is succeeding against traditional market leader Nokia in the mobile browser market. (See: "iPhone Takes Global Lead in Mobile Browser Wars" press release at:

    The data is currently updated approximately five times per day. Users, who do not need to be one of StatCounter's two million members, can sign on for alerts as well as customize and download charts.

    "As we track billions of pageloads every month, we realised that we were sitting on a huge database of cumulative market information that we have decided to make available to all for free," commented Aodhan Cullen, founder and CEO, StatCounter. "We have spent the last year developing the analysis tool and believe that it will be a valuable resource to a wide audience from media to analysts."

    While there is no charge for use of the data or charts, users must reference StatCounter as the source.

    StatCounter is one of the largest website traffic monitoring companies in the world with over two million members globally. Over 40% are located in the US with 25% in Europe. The company was founded in 1999 by Aodhan Cullen who was named the Businessweek Young European Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007.


    For interview, photo or further information please contact:

    Ronnie Simpson or Kerri Crowley, Simpson Financial & Technology PR
    Tel: +353 1 260 5300 or

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over two million members and tracks in excess of ten billion pageloads per month over its network of three million websites. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    About iReach

    iReach Market Research is a leading provider of Market Research and Intelligence services across all industry verticals and with specialist knowledge in the Technology, Media and Telecoms sector. See:

    Tue, 03 Mar 2009 08:30:00 GMT
    Chrome Grabs 1% of Global Browser Market in First Day Wednesday, September 03, 2008: Google's new browser Chrome has taken 1% of the global browser market within a day of launch according to analysis conducted by web traffic analysis company, StatCounter. "This is a phenomenal performance," commented Aodhan Cullen of StatCounter which is a rival to Google on website analytics. "This is war on Microsoft but the big loser could be Firefox."

    StatCounter analysis conducted today (Wednesday, 03 September 2008) finds that Internet Explorer holds 70% of the global browser market followed by Firefox with 22%.


    Note to editors: This information is based on a sample of 18.5 million page views globally on Wednesday, 3rd September.

    Press queries to:

    Mary O'Brien/Jacinta Ryan (Simpson FTPR) Tel: +353-1-2605300/+353 86 8330809

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over 1.5 million members and tracks in excess of 9 billion pageloads per month over its network of 2 million websites. A Google PageRank 9/10 site, StatCounter was recently named by web information company Alexa as one of the most visited sites in the US. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Wed, 03 Sep 2008 09:00:00 GMT
    Statcounter Research Shows New Search Engine Cuil is One to Watch Thursday, 31st July, 2008: Research by Irish company Statcounter, which provides free web site traffic statistics, shows that Cuil, the new search engine launched on Monday could be a significant rival to Google. After just one day, Cuil accounted for 1 in every 1000 searches done.

    Aodhan Cullen, CEO and founder of StatCounter said, "This is phenomenal when you consider that Altavista, a search engine founded in 1995, accounted for just 6 in 10,000 searches."

    Cullen continued, "There are over 100 search engines we monitor and Cuil was in the top ten in US, UK and Ireland. When you consider that over 90 other search engines (e.g. go, excite,, lycos) combined accounted for just 1.54% of searches on Tuesday - Cuil with its 0.1% share on the market inside 24 hours is doing extremely well."

    On Tuesday Cuil accounted for 1 in 1,000 searches globally and in the US. 1 in 500 searches in the UK and 1 in every 400 searches in Ireland.*

    *Note: This information is based on a sample of over 25 million page views globally.


    Press queries to:

    Mary O'Brien/Jacinta Ryan (Simpson FTPR) Tel: +353-1-2605300/+353 86 8330809

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over 1.5 million members and tracks in excess of 9 billion pageloads per month over its network of 2 million websites. A Google PageRank 9/10 site, StatCounter was recently named by web information company Alexa as one of the most visited sites in the US. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 31 Jul 2008 09:00:00 GMT
    Stout Performance by Firefox 3 Confirmed by StatCounter Thursday, 19th June: The Mozilla Firefox Guinness Book of Records attempt has been a major success in encouraging users to download Firefox 3 according to analysis conducted by StatCounter, which provides free website traffic analysis.

    Usage of Firefox 3 more than doubled between June 16th and 18th from 7.8% to 18.9% . Usage of Firefox 2 declined from 89.8% to 78.8%. (See: for charts).

    "The Firefox folks have certainly earned themselves a pint of Guinness," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "This is a major success in encouraging users to upgrade in a short period."

    The StatCounter analysis also suggests that the Guinness promotion is also having a positive impact on its overall share of the browser market. Firefox market share of the browser market increased from 34.9% to 36% over the two day period while Internet Explorer fell slightly from 56.3% to 55.4%. The StatCounter analysis was based on a sample of 55 million page views globally including 20 million US page views.


    Press queries to:

    Mary O'Brien/Jacinta Ryan (Simpson FTPR) Tel: +353-1-2605300/+353 86 8330809

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over 1.5 million members and tracks in excess of 9 billion pageloads per month over its network of 2 million websites. A Google PageRank 9/10 site, StatCounter was recently named by web information company Alexa as one of the most visited sites in the US. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT
    iPhone Increases Market Share in Mobile Browser Wars - StatCounter research finds iPhone is number one mobile browser in US number two globally
    - MS Internet Explorer faces close competition from open source Firefox

    Tuesday, 18th March 2008: Apple has increased its share of the Internet browser market in the US by 64% between December and March according to StatCounter, which provides organisations and individuals with a free website visitor statistics tool.* Globally iPhone/iTouch has more than doubled its share of the Internet browser market from 0.03% to 0.08%.

    In March iPhone and iTouch increased their share of the total browser market in the US from 0.14% in December to 0.23% according to StatCounter which tracks in excess of nine billion pageloads per month over its network of two million websites. If one excludes iTouch from the figures then iPhone's market share of Internet browsing in the US (0.18%) is still well ahead of Nokia (0.01%). However, Nokia still maintains a significant lead over Apple in the global market with 0.25% to 0.08%.

    "The key message is that iPhone is more than living up to its claims of being a user friendly Internet browser, unlike many other mobile phones," commented Aodhan Cullen, founder and CEO of StatCounter. He said that iPhone web browsing peaked in the US on Christmas Day at 0.07%. "Presumably this was due to people trying out their new Christmas present combined perhaps with not accessing PCs that day."

    The StatCounter analysis finds that Microsoft Internet Explorer still leads the browser market overall with 44.5% market share in the US. But it is facing real competition from open source based Firefox which grew to 43.9% of the US browser market. Globally Internet Explorer is well ahead at 59% with Firefox on 33%.

    The StatCounter analysis was based on a sample of 372 million page views globally from December 07 to March 08, including 71 million US page views.


    * Note: Figures include iPhone and iTouch

    Press queries to:

    Mary O'Brien/Jacinta Ryan (Simpson FTPR) Tel: +353-1-2605300/+353 86 8330809

    About StatCounter

    StatCounter, a free online visitor stats tool, was founded in 1999. It offers its members the chance to grow and improve their online businesses by allowing them to monitor the number of hits to their website; the geographical location of visitors; the various pages a visitor views; keywords used to find the site plus other features.

    StatCounter currently has over 1.5 million members and tracks in excess of 9 billion pageloads per month over its network of 2 million websites. A Google PageRank 9/10 site, StatCounter was recently named by web information company Alexa as one of the most visited sites in the US. For information on this real-time, user-friendly, and free visitor stats tool, please visit

    Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:00:00 GMT