1. If you believe anything, believe in yourself and the power you possess as a spiritual being.

  2. As many of you know, I addressed my critics in last Thursday's show. If you missed it, you can see my response here:

  3. "People have a hard time letting go of suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar." -Thích Nhất Hạnh

  4. You have not lived a perfect day unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. ~ Ruth Smeltzer

  5. What do you dream of doing with your life? Do it. Begin right now and never quit. There is greatness within you. Let is out.

  6. A question to be answered. What are you? xoxo bk

  7. Most people are searching for happiness outside of themselves. That’s a fundamental mistake. Happiness is...

  8. 4 ways to survive your darkest days

  9. Prone to headaches? 13 poses to relieve tension.

  10. "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and realize that prisoner was you." ~Lewis B. Smedes

  11. Every day we have the opportunity to make a positive impact. No matter how great or how small, you can make a difference.

  12. The key to transformation is to make friends with this moment. What form it takes doesn't matter. Say yes to it. Allow it. Be with it.

  13. "I believe that love is the single, true prosperity of any moment." - June Jordan

  14. Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund Your support is needed to provide emergency relief efforts

  15. Reality is One

  16. When I say that the health of a society will have natural repercussions on each one of us...

  17. Do you have any idea how many souls in the unseen wish they could be in your shoes? To them, it's like every day is your birthday.

  18. Motivational Monday...

  19. In truth, no one thing is better than another, but all things are simply what they are: reflections of a perfectly functioning universe.

  20. You must relax & let go in order to hear your angels better.

Pemuatan nampaknya mengambil sedikit masa.

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