Teesdale Inspired Facillities Grant 

Teesdale Sailing Club has secured grants of almost £60,000 from Sport England to develop its facilities for watersports in the dale and engage even more young people

The award from the Sport England Inspired Facilities Olympic Legacy fund will help the club upgrade its safety boat fleet, provide two additional sailing dinghies for club members and training use, and enable it to erect a much needed storage building for boats and equipment.

This is a huge boost to a club that in the last year has grown membership by 75% and offered sailing to over 100 Scouts and young people who would otherwise have no access to this experience and recreation.

"The club attracts sailors, both experienced and novice, from throughout the North-East's southern areas," said club spokesman Chris Dauber. "This includes Durham, Middlesbrough, Richmond and the dales."

“We are delighted with this award which helps us to engage young people, embrace them into healthy recreation, and to develop their understanding of sailing and Teesdale’s wonderful environment. And it is something that whole families can benefit from and enjoy."

"Teesdale Sailing Club is a huge asset to the Region," said Steve Gibbon, Chairman of the RYA North East Region. "We are delighted to hear that the club has been granted the maximum award from the Sport England Inspired Facilities fund. This will enable the club to offer greater access to sailing for the Teesdale community and it is a major milestone in the development of the club."

Supporters of the bid included UTASS (Upper Teesdale Agricultural Support Services) and Diane Spark, UTASS Project Manager said: "We were delighted to support Teesdale Sailing Club's application as they strive to provide much needed sporting, leisure and recreation facilities in the dale.

“For many years now young people from UTASS have been invited to experience sailing and they really enjoy the experience. We look forward to making use of enhanced facilities and wish the sailing club well with its development plans."

John Moore, District Commissioner, Teesdale Scouts said: “I am absolutely delighted. This will help the great work they already do become even better.Durham County Councillor Richard Bell added: "This is great news for Teesdale Sailing Club and the people of Teesdale. The club has done so much work by introducing sailing to young people and expanding its club membership.  Long may it continue, Teesdale needs clubs like this."

With further growth planned in 2015, the sailing club now aspires to gain additional funding to build a new club house and establish a major new sailing and water sports centre in Teesdale.

Chris Dauber added: “Now we must raise £150,000 to match the £450,000 we have requested from Sport England and then Teesdale could have one of the finest sailing and water sport centres in the north of England.”

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Article Published: October 28, 2014 14:53


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