Have A Go At Sailing As Itchenor Sailing Club Push The Boat Out 

Itchenor Sailing Club has action packed schedule for Push the Boat Out

Itchenor Sailing Club is inviting you and your family to enjoy a free sailing experience on Sunday 17th May 2015 as the club opens its doors for sailing taster sessions as part of the The Royal Yachting Association’s Push the Boat Out and kindly supported by Strutt and Parker, the local Estate Agents in Chichester.  

RYA Push the Boat Out is a nine‐day nationwide event that will see hundreds of sailing clubs and centres across the country opening their doors for local people to come and ‘have a go’ at sailing and windsurfing.  

RYA Sport Development Manager, Duncan Truswell, comments, “Push the Boat Out provides the perfect opportunity for people to discover their local sailing venue, meet key volunteers and like‐ minded people, have a go at the sport and find out how much fun it is and how easy it is to get involved.”  

Whether you’re completely new to the sport, looking to get back on the water or sail regularly, Itchenor sailing Club will be one of the many sailing clubs and centres across the country offering taster opportunities as part of the national initative.  

Gayle Palmer, organiser of Itchenor’s Open Day, said: “We are delighted to be taking part in the RYA Push the Boat Out. We are inviting the local community to come down to the club, have a go at sailing, see what the club has to offer and get involved.   Who knows --‐ if you visit you might just get hooked!”  

Starting at 9.30am on Sunday 17th May at Itchenor Sailing Club there will be a whole host of activities taking place including:

  • Opportunities to meet and talk to club members 
  • Take a short sail in a dinghy or keelboat in the morning 
  • Race on a boat in the afternoon 
  • Tour the beautiful clubhouse and facilities 
  • Discover the club’s private hire facilities 
  • View the various types of boats that race from Itchenor – dinghies and keelboats for all levels of experience and age 
  • Find out about the range of training courses on offer throughout the season for children, powerboaters and keelboat racers (Itchenor are a RYA recognised training centre) 
  • Discover how less experienced ladies and mums are learning to sail on a Wednesday morning during term time 
  • Find out how to hire one of the club boats or how to join an existing fleet 
  • Also find out about our new Membership fees structure.  

Free tea and coffees will be available throughout the day for participants, or the clubhouse and bar will be open for lunch and drinks and tea.   All those who wish to sail  are requested to pre‐register before the day so the club can allocate enough boats and members by calling the office on 01243 512400 or complete the form.

For full details about what’s going on at Itchenor Sailing Club or call 01243 512400.  

You can also find the club on Facebook and Twitter.   Facebook.com/itchenorsailingclub and Twitter.com/Itchenor1.

More information on RYA Push the Boat Out. 

Contact Us

Article Published: March 16, 2015 17:38

Article Updated: March 17, 2015 9:09


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