Thanks for your support 

Written by Ben Ainslie  | 17 August 2011

Last week I competed in the Weymouth and Portland International Regatta which was the Test Event for the sailing at next year’s Olympics.

In terms of qualification this was a massive event and my aim was to get the best possible result – which after a good weeks racing I managed to come out on top. The week was physically demanding so I was pretty tired by the end, but to be able to celebrate with a good amount of spectators watching the racing close by was a great feeling. Some of my family were able to attend so it was pretty special to be able to celebrate with them afterwards.

The Test Event (like the Olympics) has a much smaller fleet compared to the normal Finn events we compete in, as there is only one entry per nation, and tactically you race with a much different mindset. Last week I was able to sail my own race which was a little bit more relaxing, though to be honest not much.

I would hope with my performances this year and winning the last two events at the Weymouth & Portland Olympic Venue, I have done enough and ticked all the boxes to qualify for the Games. I think it's key to have as much time to prepare for the Games, concentrating on competing against the other nations rather than the sailors from your own nation.

I believe the sailing will be a great spectacle down in Weymouth if they get the courses right – there was a good crowd watching us on Saturday which was fantastic and it will be unbelievable next year with several thousand people watching, having people cheering you on can really make a difference for the sailors.

Team GB wise it was a great performance we won six medals and came top of the medal table, which really puts out stamp down on the venue. We have a great support team in the background and they have been a huge part of the team’s success.

I would like to thank all my sponsors for their support, when I got back in the Finn last November I had a lot to catch up on in my both my fitness, time in the boat and boat development. Without the support of my sponsors I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the intense training and competition schedule that has helped me back to my near best....I am looking forward to the next 12 months.
