Returning to the 2.4mR in style 

Written by Helena Lucas  | 07 May 2013

I was really pleased to win a silver medal at Hyeres - the fourth event in the ISAF World Cup Series and my first 2.4mR event since the Paralympics.

I hadn’t stepped into a 2.4mR at all since the Games so I went to Hyeres with no expectations as to how it was going to go - my goal was just to enjoy it, get racing again, see where I was at and what I need to work on.

Everything actually came back quite quickly, which was reassuring. I did three days of training with my coach, Ian Barker, before the event started and on the last day we chatted through a few things about the racing, which just meant everything was fresh in my mind. Being out of the boat for a while actually makes it easier to step back, look at the big picture and really think about what your priorities are in each race.

I knew I had to keep it simple, and I set myself three priorities in each race to focus on and do well. I knew my starting was going to be a bit rusty, but I was never worried about that as I know how to work on that. But even from the practice race on Sunday I felt I was actually racing really well and I was making sensible decisions. I was also really relaxed while I was racing, which I think helped me recognise and seize opportunities as they arose in a race.

Although I went into the event relaxed and looking to enjoy it I pretty quickly learned my competitors were taking it very seriously! This wasn’t just my first event since the Paralympics but also Heiko Kroger (GER) and Damien Seguin’s (FRA) too. I think being Paralympic champion did make me more of a target and there was certainly some pretty intense racing out there. I even ended up in the protest room one night, which was definitely not on the agenda beforehand! But all good experience for the future.

Read more from the Paralympic gold medallist on her podium finish in Hyeres and her next sailing challenge HERE
