The countdown begins... 

Written by Lucy Macgregor   | 25 July 2011

Annie, Kate and I are currently enjoying our final day at home today before heading down to Weymouth tonight ready for the final preparations before the Pre Olympic Test Event starting next week.

It’s an important and exciting time in our campaign at the moment. In a few days time there will be just one year before the start day of the 2012 London Olympics and the Test Event will be the closest we’ll get to replicating the event next year. Just like it will be at the Games next year there will only be 12 teams at the test event, one per qualifying nation, so the format will be very different from what we’re used to with one complete round robin followed by quarters, semis and finals.

There will be plenty of time to get all the racing in so just doing three races per day and having lay days will be aspects of the event to get used to in preparation for next year where the Match Racing starts on day 1 of the Games and finishes on the final day!

Our training has been going really well recently. We all know there are still huge areas where we can improve as a team both on our strengths and weaknesses but that is a very exciting part of the process and after the next couple of weeks we’ll assess that very thoroughly before looking ahead to the next phase of racing and training in the Autumn. We’re aiming for a medal when we start racing next Tuesday, which certainly won’t be easy as there is going to be some great competition, but we’re looking forward to the challenge!

