Gold in Germany! 

Written by John Pink  | 23 June 2010
John Pink

A different wind direction, back to the off shore we had on the first day but, and a race course really close to the shore so even more random and shifty.With all the 49ers on very close points it was all to play for going into the medal race, So it was a race to decide it and pretty much who ever was up there would win!

Off the line we opted for a mid line start to give our selves options and not put all the eggs in one basket straight away! This worked well for us as a we were quick off the line and managed to get over the boats to leeward and then a little left shift put us third round the top mark, we managed to hold on to that for the rest of the race with the two boats ahead of us far enough behind on points that they would not beat us.

It all closed up a lot on the final beat, we then tried to protect down the last run and stay between the finish and the boats behind which wasn't easy, and came into the line on a dead heat with the Danish, of Allan Norgard and Peter Lang, we couldn't tell who had won and niether could they as we were equal on points going into the race.............

We then waited around and the race committee wrote on the back of the boat that they couldn't tell either so it was a dead heat, but luckily we had a better set of results on count back and won! Don't think its ever been that close before!

Anyhow we were very happy with how we sailed in the medal race and the regatta, as it wasn't easy.

Now off the to Poland to drop the boats off for the Euros.


Pinky and Rick
