A solid performance so far 

Written by Chris Draper  | 07 July 2010

Hello Everyone !We had 4 races today in some good breeze. Race 1 saw a big left hand shift before the start so the start line was very bias and the first beat was alot of sailing on port

We decided with 1 minute to go to start on Port tack. The gun went and there was the predicted bundle at the port end with a couple of boats crash tacking on to port leaving a gap for us to sneek through - unfortuanelty the boats on port were a little out of control and one of them crashed into our leeward wing - cracking the wing and snapping the tiller extension.

We powered on making a plan of how we were going to change the tiller extension without loosing lots of places . We rounded the windward mark in 3 rd and changed the tiller extension downwind which cost us 2 places and went on to finish 5th.

Race 2 we struggled for pace and were stuck in the pack but managed to get the last beat and run about right which saw us finish 11th a great recovery from 25th.  Race 3 and 4: were quite straight forward with some tight racing at the front of the fleet. We managed to finish 3rd and 4th .

All in all we are both very pleased with our solid performance today in some very competitive racing. After 6 races we are 3rd overall - however it is still very early days and plenty more ups and downs to come.Tomorrow we will refit our repaired wing and do 2 more qualifying races, then we proceed into finals racing.We look forward to updating you tomorrow!

Thanks for the support Peter+Chris
