Ironic injury is no laughing matter 

Written by Nick Dempsey  | 25 June 2010

Unfortunately my training has been disrupted this week as I have injured my back.It is only a temporary set-back and I hope to only miss 6 or 7 days of training, but it is still very frustrating to miss any amount of practice, especially at such an important time of the season

Ironically the injury happened after taking part in an injury prevention session! I was doing pilates last Thursday and then the following morning I woke up to find that I couldn’t move my back at all. So since then I have spent most of my time lying down and trying not to move, which hasn’t been easy! I can’t drive my Volvo at the moment either so I have had to rely on getting lifts or by walking (very slowly) to my physiotherapy sessions.

The one positive from this situation I guess is that this has happened now and not two years down the line when I would be busy preparing for the Olympics. Although I could have done without missing training this close to Skandia Sail for Gold.  Getting over an injury is never easy, but it does give you the tools to deal with any future injuries you may pick up. You get to prepare yourself mentally for dealing with these minor setbacks, and you also get to learn more about your own body and how it reacts to certain things. I am still confident of getting myself into competitive shape by Skandia Sail for Gold which is being held here in Weymouth in August.

Despite the injury, It is hard to remain downbeat when the weather is taking a turn for the better, it seems summer is definitely here and I am itching to get back to full training as soon as possible. In the winter you spend one week at home then the next week away from your family training abroad. This isn’t great for achieving results as you can get a bit stagnate when you aren’t training every day. It also is harder to gauge how you are progressing with such a stop-start schedule. However in the Summer months you can get yourself into a really good routine, it’s the best part of the job when you get to spend every day of the summer outside.

Talking of the summer I like most people, have been watching the football World Cup at home. I think that they should make the goals bigger! Or at least do something to stop so many draws. Sport is about winning and losing, not about sharing the spoils. England was the better team for the 90 minutes and they only got one point for all the effort. In the meantime I will be cheering on the boys whilst I work on recovering from this injury.
