Interesting Opening Day at 470 Worlds 

Written by Nic Asher  | 12 July 2010

It’s been an interesting opening day of the Worlds, all day the organisers have been worried about a severe weather warning, especially a big thunderstorm, that’s been hanging around.

We were meant to start at 12pm, then we were postponed until 2pm and then 4pm. We launched at about 2.45pm ready to race at 4pm but we were just sat out on the water with no wind and about two knots of tide beneath us, which was making it really tricky.

Eventually they canned it for the day but just after we had got in a massive squall came through, a massive rainstorm and really strong winds, and a few boats have been left with broken masts and are a bit battered. We were lucky we’d just got in and got the covers on, I think the rest of the Brits are ok too.

It’s never easy sitting around waiting for a regatta to start as you don’t want to switch off too much; we’ve been watching The Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel all day! The forecast suggests it’s going to settle down a bit tomorrow fingers crossed so we’re all set for an 11am start.
