After Weymouth....Sardinia! 

Written by Paul Goodison  | 24 June 2011

After a tough week in Weymouth for the Sail for Gold Regatta it was straight off to Sardinia to sail with the Red boys.

After missing an event due to Olympic commitments it was good to be back. We all looked in good shape until the morning of the first race when Mark bowman Williams tripped over a curb / wall and put him self out of action. We just managed to get a replacement in time for the first race. The distraction seemed to help as we won the first race!!

We followed this up with a 3 and a 5 in the building breeze for a solid first day. Day two saw more breeze again and we started well and then took the lead on the first run to win the race. Unfortunately things were taken out of our hands as an unfortunate mistake by another boat caused a head on collision in the pre start damaging both boats and injuring crew. We had to retire and missed the rest of the racing that day. The protest for redress was pretty straight forward and we were awarded average points of 2.5.

The final days racing was abandoned at 11 am due to gusts of over 60 knots leaving us to take the overall win. It was a thoroughly enjoyable regatta thanks to a great team effort.

Next stop Round the Island Race………
