Blazing hot in Rio! 

Written by Iain Percy   | 06 January 2010

Well, we hear the snow has been pretty bad at home… we have had the opposite here in Rio de Janeiro. 46 degrees with the hottest day on record!! Global warming or coincidence? 

The World Championships start on Saturday and it should be a great event. It is also the first big International event since Rio won the rights to host the 2016 Olympics. This has created a real buzz around the Sailing Yacht Club.

Preparation has been good, we had a pre-event training camp in December, just beating the snow to get here. I think people planning to leave the day after us are just arriving now!!  Adam May was coaching us and he pushed us hard, helping us to prepare for this difficult venue with tricky current and wind.   Part of the preparation included travelling up to the top of Sugar Loaf Mountain to view the tides in the harbour and gain any knowledge we can about the conditions!
