Setting off for a recce in Rio 

Written by Helena Lucas  | 10 December 2013

I’m really looking forward to spending the next week in Rio, my first ever visit to the 2016 Games host city!

Initially the objective of the trip was just to recce the place, get a RIB and check out the tides, winds, get familiar with areas, make contact with people locally we hope are going to be able to help in the build up to the Games etc.

My coach Ian Barker, has been over in Rio for about a week already working with a 49er team, and has made contact with the Brazilian 2.4mR sailors. They were really excited to hear I’m coming over in a week and plan to sort me out a boat, so I can go training with them. Looks like I need to pack some sailing kit!

It’s useful that Ian already has a good lie of the land, having coached John Gimson in the Star out in Rio for their Worlds a few years ago too. Now I can’t wait to get over there for what will hopefully be the first of many visits to Rio over the next three years!

I spent a great day at WPNSA this week letting the 10-time Para-equestrian gold medalist, Lee Pearson, try 2.4mR sailing. I met Lee at Wimbledon this year and we’ve become good friends. Lee came sailing for the first time with us in Cowes Week this year and he enjoyed it so much he went to his local sailing club back at home.

He has been keen to have a go in my boat since Cowes. Being independent and sailing on his own was really appealing to him. As ever with Lee, we spent the day in fits of laughter, starting with me trying to get him into a dry suit. He insisted on trying mine first, despite me telling him it was definitely too small, and got stuck!

We then had to get him into the boat. With hindsight I should have pulled the sails up first, as once he was in there was no way he was getting out! It resulted in me going head first into the boat, trying to reach the halyards. Thank God Lee’s openly gay and I’m married because I can only imagine how it looked! We were laughing so hard I couldn’t get out and had to be pulled out by my legs.

Continue reading the full blog here
