Reflections On The Lake 

Written by Hannah Stodel  | 25 January 2011

Well, its been another interesting day here in Miami for the Team! The winds had been blowing overnight, leaving us with a pretty steady 15 knots to play with today...

Sailing out to the race course, everything was looking good, and we were all pretty happy, and ready and raring to get racing!

Sadly luck isn’t always on your side when you’re sailing, and the mainsail wasn’t playing the game today. With a split, clean across the seam, it wasn’t going to be much use to us! Luckily though, we are pretty well organised in terms of kit and spares that we carry on the water, and had a spare mainsail stashed on the coach boat.

A quick change with only 10 minutes to start time, and we set out with a knackered 2007 training sail and got ready to race! All in all, the Team dealt with the set-back really well, no one lost their mind, and we all kept calm and just got on with the job in hand!

The first race, couldn’t have been more perfect, shifts just seemed to go our way, and the pressure was there when we needed it! A 1st added to the scoreboard!

The second race, the conditions were much of the same, a lovely 15 knot average with steady shifts, although somewhat unpredictable! We were just a touch over the line though, and having to double back to restart put us on the back foot from the start.

It’s not all bad though, with a 7th from the 2nd race, and the Dutch Team retiring from the 2nd race with injuries, we are heading up the leader board tonight.... Still, there are 6 races left, so there is a lot of game left to play!

Watch this space for more updates as they happen!

Stay tuned! H x
