Full on.... 

Written by Paul Goodison  | 20 July 2011

It has been a full on few weeks of training as I prepare for the Olympic test event. I opted to train in Weymouth rather than travel to Finland for the Europeans as did a few of the other top sailors as I feel the Test event is the priority and learning as much as possible about the weather conditions in Weymouth is key.

This also left me with the opportunity to compete in the Round the Island race this year which was pretty epic with strong winds and big waves.

I have had quite a mix of people to sail with, sailing with the Finn guys for a week, this was good fun all be it a little frustrating as they are just a fraction quicker. It was good to do a week with the Italian Laser team and then the Swedish Laser guys for some quality time in Weymouth bay. The last few days Nick has been around and Brad Funk is here so we have had a good mix of sailing golf and cycling. It is getting busier and busier as more teams arrive for training.

Training is all going well, it has seemed to be a little one dimensional with strong South Westerly’s we did have a few days of North easterly to mix it up. It seems a while since we did any non hiking sailing hopefully get a few days practice in this stuff at the weekend.

I am feeling pretty exhausted after a full on few weeks but finding it hard to do nothing…… Its raining today so it should be a bit easier and it looks like a good stage of the tour so the sofa is the place to be this afternoon…..Hopefully the weather clears up tomorrow and I can make it out for my first bike race of the year, feeling very inspired by le tour….
