Hello From Freo! 

Written by Barrie Edgington  | 10 November 2010


Sitting looking out of the window at the team hotel here in Freemantle it is pretty clear that we chose our day off well, wet and windy today and by Freemantle levels pretty chilly.

The last few days Nick Dempsey has been training hard with a select group of international training partners which has been really productive and it really helps to have long days in pleasant conditions  

The town is great during the day with it old colonial style buildings, holiday town atmosphere and easy transport (free bus travel, imagine that in blighty!) but it does get pretty rowdy at night.

Fortunately no one can afford to go out as the exchange rate is shocking at the moment, the pound is worth half of what it was when i was here last in the late 90’s.  

Tomorrow the weather should be back to pleasant so we will hit the water early and continue the good work.  

