Pyrenees adventures 

Written by Paul Goodison  | 21 December 2010

It's been a tough but fun week in Font Remou!

I joined a group of twelve sailors for a fitness camp in the Pyrenees - we flew in to Barcelona all excited and ready for a week of cross country skiing.

As we drove in to the mountains the sun was shining and the weather was fine, only one small problem! As we arrived at the  resort it was 6 degrees and very little snow on the ground…..

We checked in to the French training centre and with a promise of  individual rooms we headed off to the second floor. A little  disappointed that I could touch all four walls from the bed, we headed down for some five a side football.

Overnight the temperature plummeted but unfortunately the snow didn’t.  We headed out with a guide for a walk in the mountains for five hours.  With the temperature at –11 as we left it was going to be a cold day.  

The scenery was spectacular and it was great to be out adventuring with the team. Reaching altitudes of 2500m it was at times a little breathtaking on the up hills and jarring on the joints on the way down  but great fun.

After a week of training ranging from football and games in the sports hall, interval sessions in the pool, gym sessions in the weights room  and walking in the mountains I feel well and truly ready for Christmas!

Happy Christmas and have a great 2011.

