Solid first day 

Written by Nick Dempsey  | 09 August 2010

Good day on the water for me in Weymouth and Portland with a first and a fifth. It was a day of tricky conditions, very shifty and unstable and definetely not typical of a Weymouth breeze.

I'm feeling in good form this week my back is just about better not feeling completely back to normal but holding up!

First race was about 8 knots, it was a full pump to the corner which worked well for me, fit and fast at the moment. Second race started well and was I second after the first lap. The wind then dropped and I tacked out first, unfortuately not taking the best side with the others all getting a lift the other way seeing me drop three places. I finished the second race in fifth. Generally quite happy with the first day.

I'm now waiting to have a session with Flash our team physio and then Rich (Hamilton) and I are off to get ourselves some time on the table tennis, we've got a match scheduled for tonight with Luke and Stuart (470 men) and they seem to be pretty hot on the table tennis so need to get in some practice!



