Latest from Hannah Mills 

Written by Hannah Mills  | 16 September 2011

For the last couple of weeks we’ve been back training in the 470 squad with Penny Clark and Kat Hughes down at Weymouth and Portland.

We are expecting an announcement on 2012 selections in the not too distant future, and what the outcome of that is, whether we are selected or our trials extended, will play a big part in how we plan the rest of our year. 

At the moment we are splitting our training time about a third in the gym, two-thirds on the water.

It was ridiculously windy at Weymouth last week - it was blowing 50kts on Tuesday! – but there were a few windows when it got down to the high 20s- low 30s when we were able to get out and train. Not too much can go wrong (!) so that is always good fun. Gym fitness is really important, but sailing fitness is so different to gym fitness that, at the moment, the best thing for us is being out on the water.

For the first time really we have also been able to start looking properly at our equipment. Because we only teamed up in February pretty much everything we’ve done so far has been event focussed with not much time in between to look at kit asides from things we have found that have done the job so far. Equipment development is a big thing for us to move forwards now and we have been shortlisting the things we know we like and taking it from there. With the ISAF Worlds coming up in Perth in December, we are thinking about doing an event in Bordeaux at the end of October, just using the chance to warm-up for Perth and test out some of the equipment things we have been working on.

With the wind so strong last week there was the chance to get in a bit of windsurfing and kitesufing with the rest of the British team sailors. That was really, really good fun, I’m not fan of windsurfing when it’s just me but there were loads of us out and it was a really great way to finish a day.

I am also loving the Rugby World Cup. We’ve got a team sweepstake on. We’ve all put a fiver in and I’ve got Fiji. I’m Welsh and Fiji have to play Wales in the last game of the group stages – I won’t have divided loyalties though, I’ve already accepted Fiji won’t be taking me all the way! It was gutting to come so close to beating South Africa on Sunday but it was a great performance and there was loads to be positive about for the rest of the tournament. At least Wales are an interesting team to watch!


