Disappointing Result In Palma 

Written by Peter Greenhalgh  | 11 April 2011

Well - Having fought our way to 4th overall after day three we then went on to sail our worst finals races we have ever had dropping  to 8th and then down to unlucky 13th !!! This is our worst result to date by far and has come as great shock and serious disappointment.

We have started to analyse where we went wrong and have come up with a few issues, but fundamentally we had what can only be described as an off form week where everything we did was wrong.  

I'm hoping this little hiccup can be used as a positive thing and is going to bounce us back to form for the next regatta.  

The top three places were taken up by our winter training partners that we beat convincingly in the previous regatta. 1st the French 2nd Italy 3rd Austria. British placings were not good with 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 13th.  

What I can say is we can only be encouraged by our training group filling the top 3 spots knowing when we sail normally we can beat them and our fellow British competition have not made any advances on us despite what the results show.  

Anyway we have just finished packing up all the equipment and loading the poor van with a lot of the gear ready to head to Hyeres in France where we will be competing in the next event which starts in 12 days .  

I look forward to updating you soon with some more positive news !!!  

Thank you for all your support.

