RYA Affiliated Logo 

Are you using the logo?

As an RYA affiliated club, you are entitled to display the ‘RYA Affiliated Logo’ on your advertising, website, club literature etc. This logo has been designed specifically for you to use, in response to feedback we have had from affiliated clubs and organisations.

Your club should have received an e-mail in June 2013 containing the RYA Affiliated logo in a variety of formats. We also sent a window sticker for you to display at the club. If you did not receive it or wish to obtain another copy of the  logo or the sticker please email member.services@rya.org.uk

If you wish to insert the RYA Affiliated logo onto your club website, please use the HTML code below.


<a href="http://www.rya.org.uk/Pages/Home.aspx">
<img width="232" height="192" alt="RYA Affiliated Club" src="http://www.rya.org.uk/SiteCollectionImages/logos/RYA-logo-affiliated-web.jpg" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;" />

As with all RYA logos, the use of ‘RYA Affiliated’ is subject to terms and conditions. These can be found on the RYA website here

The RYA work hard to ensure the integrity and credibility of the RYA brand and all that it stands for.  A key element of this includes ensuring that clubs and organisations affiliated to the RYA, display the correct RYA logo on their advertising and websites.

Unfortunately, from time to time, we do come across affiliated clubs and organisations displaying the incorrect logo. This dilutes the RYA’s brand identity and can lead to confusion about the relationship the club or organisation has with the RYA.

We are therefore asking all RYA affiliated clubs to help ensure the correct logo is being used.

If your club is a recognised RYA training centre, or is involved the RYA programmes below, please can you also check that you are using the correct version of the logo.   

RYA Training Centre
RYA OnBoard RYA Champions Club
Team 15 RYA Honda Youth RIB

Please e-mail clubdev@rya.org.uk to obtain electronic copies of any of the above logos. Thank you for your assistance in maintaining the credibility and integrity of the RYA name and brand.

Contact Us

Article Published: August 01, 2014 13:32

Article Updated: August 04, 2014 15:48


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