Organising and connecting people at events using mobile technology

Searcys - The Gherkin, London's premier event location

Fully Branded Event Area

Attendee List Check-in

Interactive Event Wall

Attendee List

Event Information & Itinerary

Interactive Map & Directions

How It Works

Venue App & Event Wall

Event Wall Step 1

1. We will create you a fully branded event page with your event information.

Event Wall Step 2

2. We will send you instructions on how to access your event page.

Event Wall Step 3

3. Before the event your attendees can use the event page to view the itinerary, menus, floor plans; basically everything they need to know about the event.

Event Wall Step 4

4. When guests arrive at your event venue staff will check them in. As they are checked in it will populate the attendee list in the app so each user can see who is in the room and they can connect with each other via LinkedIn. Genius!

Event Wall Step 5

5. Now for the fun bit...Users can network with each other by posting messages and uploading images from the event page to the event wall or using a specific # via Twitter. This is displayed in the event page and on screens around the venue.

Event Wall Step 6

6. And all this fun doesn't have to end when the event finishes. Users can continue to network via the event page long after the event is over.




to trial

+ Plus

for one off events


all in
Fully Branded Event Login Area
Event Information & Itinerary
Interactive Map & Directions
Attendee List*
Attendee Check In Facility
Event Wall Feed and Push**
Published Via a Mobile Web Page
Remove Appsolutely Mobile Branding
Event Active for 30 Days Event
Fully Branded iPhone, iPad & Android APP 
  Free Trialfor one event
Try For Free
£475per event
Buy +Plus
£2,500+£350 per event
Contact Us
*Including: Name, Company, Email, Tel No, LinkedIn
**Option to send messages and/or images via the event as well as pull in Twitter # and @

Great relationships

We've built great relationships with a range of clients. Let us help you.

St Pauls
Searcys - The Gherkin
RSA House
41 Portland Place