
We're Engage. We help you find and retain customers in a competitive digital world.


Our commercially-experienced customer engagement team will work closely with you or your delivery partners.

Chris Laas Head of Strategy Chris Laas on LinkedIn
Tom Frame Business Development Tom Frame on LinkedIn
Phil Dye Technical Manager Phil Dye on LinkedIn
Caroline Hart Account Management Caroline Hart on LinkedIn

Our Skills

We use a blend of services to help your company grow and become more profitable

  • Strategy
  • Customer experience
  • Search & display marketing
  • Lead generation
  • Relationship marketing
  • Analytics & optimisation
  • Team training
Get in Touch!

We like to kick things off with a chat,  because we know it is important to fully understand your business.

Get in Touch!


The Pig Hotel

THE PIG Hotel recognised the need for a solution that would allow new hotels to be added, create a simplified, integrated booking process, a centralised customer database and allow a continuous plan of development and updates.

In addition to supplying this, Etch have also been responsible for all online activity including PPC campaign management, social marketing, email marketing, seo and content strategy.

Visit THE PIG hotel


ROI on managed paid search


ROI on non-branded organic search


ROI on email marketing