One to Watch: Chloe Martin 

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Laser Radial prospect Chloe Martin is one of Skandia Team GBR’s newest recruits having excelled at Youth level winning the 2007 RYA Youth Nationals, attending two ISAF Youth World Championships and being crowned Women’s European Youth Champion in 2008.

In June, Martin claimed the Under 21 title at the Senior Radial Europeans in Estonia after securing a hugely impressive top 10 finish. She is now in training for the Laser Radial Worlds in Largs, Scotland between 6 – 14 July.

“Moving into the Skandia Team GBR has been a big step. A couple of years ago I wasn’t quite sure whether it was a step I wanted to make. I’d just won the European Youth title and although I really loved my sailing and was enjoying it I just wasn’t sure if I was committed enough to do it full-time."

"I started sailing an RS200 with my friend Suzy Russell, neither of us having sailed two-handed ever before, and began my Chemical Engineering degree at University College London. That year was a lot of fun, I had a great time and did well in my university exams but I just felt there was something missing and I hadn’t really achieved anything. I missed serious sailing more than I thought I would, I missed the training and going to different places to compete.  I realised I was way too competitive not to try to give it a real go so I got back in the Radial and it has been so much fun and I’m so excited about trying to make the most of the opportunity I’ve been given".

 “I’ve always been quite stubborn and wanted to be the best I can but that year away from the Radial really focussed my mind on making sure I enjoy it and keep it fun. I’ve always considered sailing fun, from the first time I sat at the front of my brother Daniel’s Topper and acted as splashguard for the day! I’m the youngest and when I was small my brother, sister Katie and our parents would go sailing while I’d be left ashore with friends.  I always, always wanted to go with them and remember being so excited when I went out with Daniel even though my mum went mad! I started sailing an Optimist aged seven and have sailed ever since, coming up through the South East Zone Squad and National Junior Squad before switching to the Radial aged 15 and eventually making Youth Squad".

"I was always quite light as a Youth which meant I often struggled in stronger breezes but for some reason the weight’s all come on in the past year, since September I’ve gained seven kilos! I’ve only had a couple of windy races since I’ve bulked up a bit but it was strange to hike out and feel the boat go flatter against the water. Coming into the STGBR set-up will only help me with the strength and conditioning I need to become a better sailor as well as so much more. STGBR have literally got everything you can think of covered and that is so exciting to be part of. I’ve only done a couple of squad camps during term time but now university is finished for the summer I can’t wait to concentrate on sailing full-time for the next four months. “Largs will be my second Senior Worlds although because I’ve had limited squad time in the build-up to the event it will probably be too early to see the impact of some of the things I’ve been working on in training. We had a great camp up there at the end of June where we did some racing and were able to have a look at some of the international sailors who are already up there preparing. But realistically Skandia Sail for Gold in August is more my focus for the season, in Largs I’m just looking to get good starts, have some good races and learn as much as I can to take into the rest of the year".

"Being invited to join STGBR is such a huge thing as it means other people outside of yourself and your family believe in you and think you have potential. I love training with the other girls in the Radial squad, they all just seem so keen and have so much fun and although they are all competitive and work so hard the atmosphere is really positive all the time. It really makes me want it more".

"Dame Kelly Holmes comes from very close to where I live in Kent and when she won her double Olympic golds in 2000 there was a parade through the town and so much excitement and pride in her achievement. That was very inspiring to me and now I’m so proud to be involved with STGBR I can’t wait to get all the team gear! The 2012 Olympics will be too early for me but I’d love to go to, 2016 that’s my dream.  However I know you can only take everything as it comes. I’ll finish university next summer and go full-time and after that I will be doing everything I can to make 2016 happen". 
