Olympic Selection Sealed 

Written by Paul Goodison  | 20 September 2011

It has been a difficult few days to try and keep it secret but I can finally say I’m qualified and will be on the start line next year.      

I received the phone call while out cycling n Palma, I was expecting the call and heard my phone ringing halfway up a climb. I stopped quickly to recognise Sparkys voice, he asked me to get my breath back, I just wanted the news.  

It felt great to be told that I had been selected. The rest of the ride I seemed to have a bit of a spring in my step and rode with a big smile on my face. I feel like I have got over the first hurdle and can now focus fully on retaining my Olympic title, the longer the trials process goes on the more of a distraction it can become.  

It has definitely been the toughest trials process since I missed out in 2000 to Ben.  Nick has not made it easy and has pushed me hard. I hope that we can start to work together again as we did before Beijing.   Having selection complete allows me the best preparation for the games. I have a good idea of the things I need to change and develop to be in the best place to deliver at the Olympic games.   I will be going out to Perth at the end of the year for the worlds but will now primarily be using this trip for technique change and development before heading back to Europe for the winter.      

One of the biggest challenges is going to be making the most of a home games. There are going to be plenty of distractions and staying focused is going to be key.      

I would like to thank all my sponsors and people that have helped me to be in this position. With out my sponsors and the great support team the RYA provides I would not be able to achieve the tough goals I set myself on a daily basis. I had such an amazing experience in China becoming Olympic Champion I can not imagine what it would be like to repeat this on home waters in Weymouth and Portland. Exciting times ahead……
