Best Day of Sailing This Year! 

Written by Paul Goodison  | 25 August 2010

Probably the best day sailing so far this year today!!!! Out in Hayling bay with the sun shining gust of over 30 knots and a big sea running, pretty exhilarating stuff. Life was made even better with the arrival of new wetsuits this morning nice.....

I have had the BBC following me around today and it couldn't have really been a better day to go on the water apart from the scare of ruining a camera which kept them ashore.

I headed out in to the bay as the tide turned, the sea got bigger and the sailing more exciting. On several downwinds the key was to keep the mast in the air as boats were cartwheeling left right and centre.  It was  pretty challenging and the weakest link in several cases seemed to be the boat!

Boats with broken spars and ripped sails got towed home by ribs and fellow Laser sailors in some cases.After sailing it was the tedious task of applying sail numbers and sponsor branding before a quick trip to the golf course.

It was pretty daunting walking up to the first tee with the camera rolling and 25 knots of wind blowing across the course. After Peter hit a good shot down the left hand side the pressure was really mounting, I got away with a good drive down the middle and they even caught a 20ft putt on camera.... Luckily they didn't follow us round the rest of the course.

It looks like its going to be a gentle breeze tomorrow morning so a good chance to have a look at the new sail before the winds increase and the rain pours, fingers crossed its a good one.

Preparations are going well and I'm looking forward to getting started next week, the weather forecast seems to be changing on an hourly basis with the low pressures rolling across the atlantic, we could be in for a challenging week....
