470 Girls Down Under 

Written by Saskia Clark  | 16 November 2010

It’s been a great 10 days out in Perth so far. We arrived early to get a good few days acclimatising before we had to go sailing.

This meant that we 'volunteered' ourselves to unpack 4 container loads of boats and kit. 

It started off badly as the Australian's are pretty strict about what they let in and every boat, toolbox and bag had to be searched through by a customs officer to ensure it was all clean. Not really sure what a British daddy long legs (if it had managed to survive the 8 week container travel) would do if let out in the Australian outback, but they are scared about it.

This was a joy for Sarah though as she was allowed to dustpan and brush the RIBs clean of sand- she likes to tidy that girl!

We also arrived to the news that a diver had been bitten on the bum by a shark at the weekend and rescued because someone diving with her had grabbed the shark by the tail and punched him on the nose, we were taking notes.

Sailing has been amazing! Blue water, blue skies and wind. An offshore breeze in the morning fades as the heating gets going and a sea breeze from 12 up to 25kts builds.

This week is forecast to be very hot, up to 38 degrees which should mean we get some serious sea breezes in. We start racing tomorrow and have a small but reasonably good fleet.

Really looking forward to getting racing after a big stint of training and the small fleet will give us lots of opportunity to practise the technique stuff we have been working on over the last few months.

