A challenging week 

Written by Bryony Shaw   | 09 July 2010

I had a good day, probably my best of the regatta so far, but the OCS in one of my races today really didn't help.  As a result of this the medals are out of my reach but it is a good opportunity to learn form my mistakes out there, pick myself and move on.

This regatta was really a training event for me, and a chance to learn how to be more focused mentally, no matter what happens. Looking on the positives, I got a second and third, and given the conditions today I'm really pleased.  It was pretty choppy out there and it has been hard to maintain a good speed, so I was really pleased to be fast out there today.  I'm also using my second best kit, as my best kit is all prepped and ready for Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta which takes place in Weymouth this August, That is without a doubt my main focus this year.  

It has been a week of learning. It’s been challenging and I’ve definitely been up and down; in the mix then not in the mix.  The couple of bad results, coupled with the OCS means the podium is sadly out of reach, but there is definitely the potential for 5th or 6th, so that's what I'm aiming for in the medal race today.  

Conditions are looking very very light today, so its going to be about playing the tactical game and putting real pressure on the competitors that I need to in order to climb the leader-board. It will be a good opportunity to sail this kind of a race, learning how to control a situation out there as best you can, isn't something we always get the chance to practice so that's my aim for today.  To stay calm, play the tactical game and lean how to move on and focus on the big test ahead, Skandia Sail for Gold.
