Looking forward to the European Championships 

Written by Chris Draper  | 25 June 2010

Hello everyone,  well it was always going to be exciting because of how tight it all was going into the last day .

We went into the Medal Race third overall on equal points with 3 other boats and 1st and 2nd overall with a 3 point lead on us. The Medal Race conditions were offshore wind / shifty and patchy with 5 to 10 knots with opportunities everywhere.

Anyway we had a good start and were in good shape at the windward mark managing to give a penalty to the boat that was 2nd overall.The race was a 3 lap race and we were in Silver position for most of it.

The last windward mark approached and we had made a gain on the boat that was in Gold overall all we needed to do was find a way past down the last run. Unfortunately for us we gybe set on our own and the other side of the run saw more wind as a result the boat just in front of us got away and the boat behind got past so when we crossed the finish line we were pushed down to 4th overall.

All in all we were a little disappointed but feel we have learnt a great deal that we can now take forward to the European Championships and the Skandia Sail for Gold regatta. 

Thanks again for all your support and we look forward updating you with our European Championship results in two weeks time

