How We Spend Our Down Time 

Written by Penny Clark  | 04 June 2010

After returning from Holland regatta Kat and I have a few days off before we fly back out to Holland for a training camp at our Worlds venue.  Just like normal people don’t get to spend all their weekend doing fun stuff, likewise we have a lot of campaign stuff to sort out before we can relax. 

Penny Clark Mountain BikingFor me I have had to catch up on some admin (car insurance, outstanding invoices, team accounts etc), do the usual mundane jobs like washing, putting some food in my seemingly always empty fridge, touch base with the Royal Navy, and have my regular hospital appointment to check up on my recovery from a recent kidney problem. 

The most enjoyable of these jobs was ordering a new boat. We have recently switched make of boat and, really liking the new make, we now have to order a new one so we have two identical boats to ship around the World. The fitness training is always an ongoing thing however most of my current training I can do on a bike and I love cycling so I have been able to get out in the sunshine on my mountain bike (my road bike is in Holland ready for the camp) and have some great rides. 

The weather has been great this week so as well as the cycling I have been able to get out on the water and have some fun. Yes, that’s right, during my time off I go… sailing!!  I have a foiling moth that I go out in purely for pleasure and there’s a few of us down my local club, Stokes Bay, so we’ve been able to meet up, drink coffee and do a bit of foiling. Unfortunately my boat was a bit over grown with weeds so I had to get the strimmer out and cut the grass in my boat space. This triggered a bit of a gardening spree and now my back garden also looks a little less jungle like!

My husband gets home on Friday night so we will have a bit of time together before I fly out to Holland on Sunday.  Hopefully I will be able to talk him into taking me on a golf course where I can get my monies worth by taking as many shots as possible and by finding loads of other balls when I’m rooting around in the undergrowth looking for mine!

