The Great South Run by Pippa Wilson 

Written by Editor  | 26 October 2010
Pippa Wison and Dame Kelly Holmes

Hi everyone. As some of you might know, on Sunday I took part in the Great South Run in Portsmouth...10 Miles, not enough training, but an absolutely amazing day, so much fun and all for a great cause.

The Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy trust was setup by Kelly herself to support others going through some of the things she has been through and be there when support is absolutely needed. The charity works to help disadvantaged children who have not had the easiest start to life, to point them in the right direction and help them find their path and talents in life. It supports many young people to grow and realise their potential using sport. Whether it is competing, doing sport for fun or with friends to help develop self esteem, or finding employment and good habits through sport, the charity does amazing work to help channel some young people who are struggling to find direction. 

Similarly, and now close to my own heart, the charity supports sports people retiring from full time and Olympic sport to make the transition into the real world and uses these people as positive role models for the young people.  I have been connected with the charity for seven months now and they have been there for me in every way I could ask. To have people to turn to for advice, including not only Kelly herself, but her team who understand what drives sports people and can relate to the position you are in, really is a God-send.

Leaving a structure and a goal that has been your whole life for a number of years can really be a strange time and having people within the charity to turn to is a really wonderful thing. We all need to look after each other after all... So that is why I have chosen to support the Dame Kelly Holmes trust in my efforts at the Great South Run yesterday.

My first 10 Mile road race and hopefully not my last. It was a wonderful experience, one that everyone should and can experience. Even I myself was astounded by the sense of achievement I felt afterwards. Having been totally terrified prior to the race, turning up and seeing the other thousands of people all putting so much effort in for their chosen charities was an incredible thing to be a part of and the crowds really get you round, thank goodness! I achieved a time of 1 hr 22 minutes which I think is ok for my very first time (sadly now I have something to live up to for next time!)

At mile 7 it was pretty tough, my legs suddenly felt like they couldn't push off any more, so I reached for the volume button on my iPod (other MP3 players are available!) and concentrated on why I and so many other thousands of people were doing it.

The emotion I felt was not really too helpful to running or breathing, but was a wonderful thing. Seeing Fran, my sister supporting me on the steps with her friends was so uplifting and they say I looked way too happy, but what they don't realise was that it was the feeling of achieving something, for an incredibly worthwhile cause, with the closest people to my heart supportting me that made me feel so good.

I am obviously writing this to tell you about my experience and to encourage you to join up to something and have something to aim for, but also to support me in my efforts and sponsor me. It doesn't have to be much, but every little helps and if you need any encouraging to do so have a think about how lucky you are to be wherever you are, doing whatever you do..and would you give just a small amount to ensure someone else in the world gets a fair chance and finding their way too...

Thanks for reading and hopefully thanks for sponsoring and at least, thanks for supporting! All the best, I hope to see you there next year!

Donate here

Pippa Supported By Pro – Feet who kindly donated me my trainersfor my Olympic training and have made even running a short distance possible. Before my fitting with them, I literally could not run without agonizing shin splints, so thanks a million guys!

Pippa Wilson
