Glamour start to 2011 

Written by Nick Dempsey  | 13 January 2011

We arrived in Miami a week ago ready to start training for the Rolex Miami OCR. Having not sailed since Perth back in November, it’s been tough. Well, not that tough- the sun’s been shining and with a little wind, sailing this week has been fantastic.

I’m training with a great bunch, Ivan from Spain and his coach Alex have been good to me. My coach, Barrie, doesn’t arrive for another week, so I’ll be on their program until he arrives. It’s nice to have someone else running the sessions for a change, new ideas and mixing it up a little.

Cycling every morning has been wicked, there must have been 400 cyclists out on Key Biscayne yesterday morning, loving riding early morning in the perfect temperature, seems a million miles away from home in December!

Life in Miami is great, we have a a glamour pad with the 7 of us sharing, Goody [Paul Goodison], Sas [Saskia Clark], Joe [Glanfield- Sarah and Sas's coach and double silver Olympic medallist] , Peggy [Thomas's nanny], Sarah [Ayton], myself and, of course, little TF.

Two more weeks of training then it’s time for the first event of the season, the Rolex Miami OCR starting on the 23rd January.
