Asher Willis Down Under 

Written by Nic Asher  | 16 November 2010

We flew out to AUS on an Airbus A380. As we boarded at Heathrow, there was another A380 next to us, a QANTAS one

Little did we know that this aeroplane would have an engine explode and have to return to the airport in Singapore! Close call!  

We arrived in Fremantle thirteen days ago. Once again the Skandia Team GBR setup out here is fantastic. Our hotel is very nice and in perfect position to walk down to the dinghy park each morning.   

We set about training with the rest of the 470 Performance Squad. With two mens teams and two women's teams, lead by our coach Morgan Reeser we have had some great training. The conditions have been almost perfect for sailing. Between 25-30 degrees, blue skies, crystal clear water and the 15-22 knots of the 'Fremantle Doctor' providing the icing on the cake.  

The only worrying part, being the large amount of shark activity. Last week there was a humpback whale carcus about three miles away from our race area. Local news reported six tiger sharks and two great white sharks feeding on the whale. Not the first thing you want to hear, when you sail a boat that is smaller than the sharks!  

Tomorrow we start the Perth International Regatta. Its a great opportunity to understand the venue for the World Championships next year, and to gauge where we are at, going into the 2011 season.
