The sniggle-fest continues in Kiel...! 

Written by Chris Draper  | 21 June 2010

Today was very similar to yesterday in Kiel. We had 3-5 knots and really big chop from all of the traffic moving around the Kiel canal and inside the bay.

We sailed just two races. The first we were not tuned as well as we could have been on the rig and consequently were not as quick as we'd have liked. We managed to sail a good race, though, with what we had and picked off a few places to have an 11th. The next race we made some nice changes to our set -up and had a really nice start on port close to the favoured port end. This put us nicely in control of the race and we sailed well to have a 2nd place.

This maintains our lead overall I think. It's fairly hard to know where we are coming overall when I never look at the results but I tend to get a good idea if Peter hands me the leaders jersey in the morning ! So hopefully, he will in the morning :-)

The conditions have been such that it is very hard to be certain that anything is going to happen as you expect it. This is making for really tricky tactical decisions.

We are getting a lot out of the racing and despite a slight lack of races in total, whatever comes of the overall result, the trip to Kiel has been very worthwhile for our build up to the bigger upcoming events.
