A new beginning 

Written by Chris Draper  | 17 May 2010

Hello all, Well we have had a very busy few weeks off the water. I have become a Dad. My wife H gave birth to little Harry Finn on the 27th. Both are doing great.

Hello all, Well we have had a very busy few weeks off the water. I have become a Dad. My wife H gave birth to little Harry Finn on the 27th. Both are doing great. Peter and his family have been on a great holiday with one of our Sponsors, Neilson. We have just collected our new boat which we will prepare for the Sail for Gold regatta over the next few weeks and we have choosen a winner of the competition. We were overwhelmed by the amount of interest the competition generated. It was really cool for Peter and I to read peoples mails and see how interested people were. In the end Adams e-mail entry just jumped off the page, if you listen to the recording Louay made of his telephone call telling him he'd won it is pretty clear how chuffed he is. Thank you everyone who entered the competition. Next week will be the last of our three weeks off the water. I will continue to prepare the new boat and Peter is competing in a Melges 32 regatta in the States. We have some team building days with the squad that have qualified for Support at the Sail for Gold regatta and then it will be back into training. The downtime we have just had fits really nicely into the program. We will now build up to the Sail for Gold regatta with some long training periods in Weymouth. We also have Kiel Olympic Week and the 49er Europeans as our warm up events. The focus of the season so far has been regatta execution which will continue to be a theme up until the SFG regatta but alongside that the focus will start to lean more towards boatspeed. We look forward to keeping everyone up to date with how we're getting on.Thanks everyone for your continued support. All the best. Chris and Peter
