Feeding Time! 

Written by Craig Floate   | 22 April 2010

Standing outside the store looking at the pallets of food awaiting to be loaded onto the van for the up coming event in Hyeres, I was looking at it and wondering have I got enough? Have I got too much? After visiting the cash and carry 3 times in 1 day, I decided that indeed that is enough, anything we run short of I can purchase while I'm out in Hyeres.

It's kind of hard judging how many bottles of water, snack bars, rice, pasta, and the like you will need for an average of 65-70 packed lunches daily, plus breakfast and evening dinner for a crew of hungry sailors and support staff.  

Being a freelance chef and going from such big events as Wimbledon, Royal Ascot, British open golf, Cheltenham festival and the Grand national etc, you just turn up and the food is already there for you to cook with. Now I can see how easy I have it at events like this, and that actually the organising and planning and purchasing for a big event takes a bit of work in itself! 

This is my first official event with Skandia Team GBR as team chef after Eddie passed on the reigns, so the feelings of excitement are crossed with apprehension and expectation as well. It's all about getting to know your surroundings, getting into a routine and then getting ahead of the game to make it as easy as you can for yourself, whilst keeping everyone happy in the process.  

All the food and equipment is on the van and its on its way!! Hopefully its still all in one piece when it gets to Hyeres, then its down to setting my stall out, getting organised and sourcing some local products for evening dinner!

Here's hoping my French holds up!

