A hack event in the heart of the south coast

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9th May


10:00AM - 8:00PM


Central Hall

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  • #hacksoton rules!

    What makes #hacksoton one of the most diverse and exciting events on the South Coast? I'm glad you asked...

  • We're a pressure free zone

    We won't pit you against someone else or pile on the pressure, you can go at your own pace and do your own thing. No winners means no losers, and every member of the #hacksoton community is equal.

  • It's not a competition

    You don't need to be the world's best coder to come along, and there's no skill level requirement. Everyone from first time coders to grizzled ancients are welcome!

  • It's made with love

    Tickets are free, and we don't make money. All our events are supported by lovely sponsors instead.

    View the sponsors

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Having one is much better than not having one, trust us.

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Bring a pet project or start from scratch

#hacksoton is for creative people, regardless of discipline - Developers, designers, makers, marketers, storytellers, students, and everything inbetween. What we really stand for is simple: Following your passion.

Maybe that means working on your brilliant idea that you never get to work on in your 9-5 (And let's face it, never work on at home during the weekends usually). Maybe that means taking your first steps in something new and exciting, or honing your skills in your favourite field.

The choice is yours. Come along and see what you can do.

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"We're really proud of the community we've created around our events. It's so rewarding to see what the Southampton community can achieve in just one day." - Team #hacksoton

These guys are awesome!

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