Pitfalls & Triumphs of the Cross-Screen Experience

A session at Breaking Development 2013: Orlando

Monday 8th April, 2013

2:00pm to 3:00pm (EST)

Oh, the elusiveness of "One Web". And yet, increasingly users treat the web as one experience — add a product to your cart from your phone during the morning commute, and finish the transaction in the afternoon at work from your desktop computer.

This presentation will examine what's required to present a consistent, delightful experience to users regardless of where the experience begins, continues, and ends. You'll learn to avoid development mistakes committed by even the most seasoned among us, and you'll see plenty of examples from teams big and small doing it right.

About the speaker

This person is speaking at this event.
Cameron Moll

Founder of @authenticjobs. Designer, Speaker, Author, Husband, Dad. bio from Twitter

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Time 2:00pm3:00pm EST

Date Mon 8th April 2013

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  • CSS Mastery

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