The Royal Yachting Association

Helping thousands of people take a new course

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the national body for all forms of boating. The current site is, like many others, seeing a vast increase in mobile visits - both tablet and phone. Due to the sheer size and complexity of the current website, the RYA were looking for an agency to help plan a rollout of specific areas in a responsive manner.

Etch has been working on the first modules of the new rollout. These involve extensive user research combined with user centred design (UCD) to produce beautiful looking, responsive results. These elements are then overlaid on top of the current content, to provide a new visual interface utilising existing data.

The Result

A 'module by module' responsive website, achieving the clients goals of updating the current site with no disruption to existing services.

The Deliverables

  • UX Design
  • Technical Re-architecture
  • Strategy
Friendly interface aimed at all types of user
Friendly interface aimed at all types of user
Easy access on your mobile or tablet
Easy access on your mobile or tablet

Modular responsive rollout

Thoroughly researched, planned and executed responsive designs, overlaid onto existing site data. All modules are undertaken in a strategic rollout map devised by Etch.

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