British Airways

Real-time Operational Dashboard

British Airways have a 90-year reputation for providing the highest quality service to customers all over the globe. Everyday more than half of the flights leaving London Heathrow are operated by the BAA group. In order to better understand the day-to-day running of their Heathrow operations, and to better enable their staff to manage disruption, British Airways asked us to work with them to develop an operational dashboard. This Single Version of the Truth would be used as the de facto source of high-level operational information for every department across the Heathrow operation.

The development of the tool was user-focused and user-driven. From Control Centre to Customer Teams, we worked with key departments across BA's operation to refine requirements, generate ideas and gain feedback from the many end users of the tool.

The Result

A revolutionary tool. The dashboard gives BA a new cross-operational insight into airline performance and disruption.

The Deliverables

  • UX Design
  • Strategy
  • Systems Integration
A dashboard uniting information from across BA's operation
A dashboard uniting information from across BA's operation
Presenting complex data in an intuitive way
Presenting complex data in an intuitive way

Responsive Operational Dashboard

We created a data-driven dashboard, uniting information from across BA's operation. Presenting complex data in an intuitive way, the dashboard presents high-level, operational information clearly, in near real-time. Users are then able to drill down into departments and access fine grain information on airline performance. 

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