This Week in the War Machine – April 20, 2015

There are dozens of military and intelligence exercises, war games, conferences, trade shows, and specialty conventions happening every month — both at home and abroad, from every branch of the national security world and their affiliated civilian contractors. We’ve bookmarked a select few, but by no means all, that… » 4/20/15 5:08pm 21 minutes ago

Is Germany Really The Heart Of America's Drone War?

When it comes to the drone war or NSA or the “U.S. war machine,” Germany is no more important to our interests than Belgium or Qatar or Guam. It isn’t even a front-line nation anymore, and our spying on the government there isn’t unique or in any way special. There are all sorts of spooky things happening on German… » 4/20/15 4:30pm Today 4:30pm

Tornadoes Possible Today Around Atlanta, Washington D.C., and Philly

Today will be a pretty interesting weather day across some of the most heavily-populated sections of the East Coast, as there’s a heightened risk for large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes in major cities like Atlanta, Charlotte, D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe. » 4/20/15 4:16pm Today 4:16pm

Semi-Pro Soccer Player Fired for Fucking in the Dugout While in Uniform

Jay Hart, a striker for semi-pro British soccer team Clitheroe, was cut from the squad after he was caught on video having sex with a fan in the dugout while still wearing his team warmups, the Mirror reports. The incident took place after an away game versus Mossley AFC. Every detail reported is more embarrassing… » 4/20/15 3:35pm Today 3:35pm

This Is Amazing Amy Pascal's Cheap, Crotch-Intensive Beauty Regimen

Amazing Amy Pascal is a treasure. She is a camp goddess who should become a legendary drag icon. You hear me, queens? Put DOWN that chunky blonde Sia wig and slip into the fiery Medusa curls of Amazing Amy, Earth Mother and Destroyer. Lo, it is Amazing Amy who destroyed the Jobs movie; it is Amy who offered her… » 4/20/15 3:13pm Today 3:13pm

NYT Writer Says He Was Fired for Observing That Barry Diller Is Gay

Former New York Times Magazine writer Andrew Goldman is accusing the paper
of firing him for asking impertinent questions of a Times advertiser. Goldman, who publicly scuffled with author Jennifer Weiner over accusations of misogyny in 2012, says in a new documentary that the Times canned him for asking fashion… » 4/20/15 2:45pm Today 2:45pm

Mike Huckabee Tells Patriots: Don't Join Military Until Obama's Gone

In 2007, folksy war addict Mike Huckabee told Meet the Press viewers that it’s dangerous “to oppose a sitting commander in chief while we’ve got people being shot at on the ground.” But it’s election time! So now, willing Americans, stay out of the military until you have a commander in chief that pleases Huck. » 4/20/15 2:35pm Today 2:35pm

The Fabricated Four: Were The Beatles Real?

One of the more tantalizing and persistent myths in rock lore contends that “ Paul is dead”—that Paul McCartney died in a 1966 car accident and was secretly replaced with a lookalike. There are countless sites and rambling YouTube videos attempting to support this claim—based not just on the well-known middle-school… » 4/20/15 2:05pm Today 2:05pm

Spider Babies Explode in Broom Attack, Death Bows His Head and Weeps

A couple in Hallett Cove, South Australia filmed themselves killing a wolf spider with a broom recently. Did they film themselves because they knew it would explode with hundreds of baby spiders, making for a brutal and terrifying video? Almost certainly. Should you watch it? Almost certainly you should not. And yet.
» 4/20/15 1:49pm Today 1:49pm

Sony Demands Censorship in the Name of Free Speech

When hackers first released buckets of internal data out of Sony Pictures late last year, the company’s legal wing tried to scare both journalists and normal people away from the story. It didn’t work (unless you were an employee of the New York Times). Now Sony’s at it again, this time with the insane claim that… » 4/20/15 1:20pm Today 1:20pm

Get 50% Off One Week of Blue Apron: Fresh Ingredient & Recipe Delivery 

With fresh ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes delivered to your home weekly, Blue Apron cuts down on meal-planning drudgery and focuses on the fun and flavor of home cooking. Even better, Blue Apron is offering Gawker readers the first week - three meals for two people – for just $30, half off the regular price. » 4/17/15 9:55am Friday 9:55am